Héctor Tizón

Héctor Tizón ( born October 21, 1929 in Yala, Jujuy Province; † 30 July 2012 in the province of Jujuy ) was an Argentine lawyer, diplomat and writer.


Tizón studied law at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata and was able to successfully complete this study. Then he returned to his hometown to work as a lawyer. After his first literary efforts during his studies he joined in Yala with like-minded people together and founded in 1956 the literary magazine Tarja.

In 1958, when President Arturo Frondizi took over the government, Tizón was sent as a cultural attaché to Mexico City. In addition to his professional activities, he made the acquaintance of Ernesto Cardenal, Ezequiel Martínez Estrada, Augusto Monterroso, Juan Rulfo, inter alia, after two years was relieved Tizón and sent as Consul to Milan. In 1962 he returned to Argentina and resigned all his political offices.

Tizón returned to Yala and opened a law office again. As in 1976, the junta staged a coup to power under General Jorge Rafael Videla, he went into exile in Europe. The majority of the time he spent in Spain and Italy. As 1983 Argentina under President Raúl Alfonsín returned back to democracy, even Tizón came back to his homeland and settled in his home town of Yala.

Works (selection)


  • El gallo blanco. In 1992.
  • El jacanciosa y la bella. In 1972.
  • Recuento. In 1984.
  • El traidor venerado. In 1978.
  • A un costado de los Rieles. In 1960.


  • El cantar del profeta y el bandido. Novela. In 1972.
  • La casa y el viento. Novela. In 1982.
  • Fuego en Casabindo. Novela. In 1969.
  • Sota de bastos. Caballo de espadas. Novella. In 1975.
  • El viaje. Novela. In 1988.
  • Extraño y pálido fulgor. 1999th German by Rainer grain Berger: Two strangers in this world, Edition 8, Zurich 2010, ISBN 978-3-85990-158-2.


  • Cuentos completos. , 2006.
  • Obra completa. In 1998.