Internationalization Tag Set

The specification Internationalization Tag Set (ITS ) is a set of attributes and elements to support internationalization and localization in XML documents.

The ITS specification identifies concepts, "ITS data categories " mentioned, which are important for internationalization and localization. It also defines implementations of this concept by a set of elements and attributes that are bound to the ITS namespace. XML developers can use this namespace to integrate internationalization capabilities directly into their XML schema or document.


ITS v1.0 contains seven categories of data:

  • Translate: Defines the parts of the document that translate or not to translate.
  • Localization Rating: Contains warnings, cautions, instructions and other information that will help the locator or translators.
  • Terminology: Indicates that parts of the document are terms and pointers to information about these terms
  • Be applied Indicates what type the text direction for part of the document: Directionality
  • Ruby: Indicates which parts of the document are displayed as ruby text
  • Language Information: Identifies the language for different parts of the document.
  • Elements Within Text: Shows how elements are discussed in terms of linguistic division.

The ITS- vocabulary had two design goals: Firstly, to be used within an XML document directly ITS markup. On the other hand, to recommend a method, if there are parts of a corresponding markup that correspond to an ITS data category and are treated as such by a ITS processor.

ITS can be applied to both new document types and to already existing ones. It applies equally to markup without any internationalization features to support as well as on the documents already appropriate internationalization and localization features.

ITS divided global rules and local rules.

  • The global rules are expressed somewhere in the document ( embedded global rules ) or even outside of the document ( external global rules ). Ausdgedrückt they are by its: rule element.
  • The local rules are expressed by specialized attributes (sometimes called elements) specified within the document instance at a location at which they apply.