Jack McGee (actor)

Jack McGee ( born February 2, 1949 in New York City ) is an American actor.

Life and work

The Irish -born Jack McGee was born in 1949 in the South Bronx of New York City and was the youngest of eight siblings. After he was also backing vocalist in The Rascals, he was 1977 first fireman to then pursue his acting career.

His first major role was played McGee in the U.S. feature film The slit ear of 1985, which is about firemen. Since then, the former fire fighter has appeared in various TV series, TV movies and feature films. Increasing popularity McGee brought the role of the fire station manager Jerry Reilly, which he embodied in the television series Rescue Me from 2004 to 2007.

After McGee had been diagnosed with colon cancer and beat the disease, he is involved in various clubs and organizations committed to fighting, healing and research of cancer, such as for the bodies of Susan G. Komen for the Cure and the American Cancer Society.

Filmography (selection)
