Jacopo del Casentino

Jacopo del Casentino (c. 1297; † after 1349, Jacopo Landino or Jacopo da Prato Vecchio (and therefore depending on the nickname of Prato Vecchio or Casentino ) possibly) was an Italian painter of the late Gothic period.


He was a pupil of Taddeo Gaddi in Arezzo and followed him to Florence. There they founded in 1349 the painter Society for the Holy Virgin and Saint John the Baptist, Zenobius, Reparata and Luke. He painted in Florence for Orsanmichele and the Cathedral of Florence.

1354 he returned to Arezzo, where he repaired the continued urban fountain and many frescoes painted which have not survived.

His blind son Francesco Landino was a composer. Among his students Agnolo Gaddi and Spinello Aretino. Giorgio Vasari took him into his biography collection.

He was specialized in small altars for private individuals and popularized it in Italy with Bernardo Daddi. Among his works is the Cagnola triptych in the Uffizi (1325-1330), the only work that can be safely attributed to him. It shows the influence of Giotto, in whose workshop he may be learned ( his teacher Taddeo Gatti was also a pupil of Giotto), and the school of Siena ( Pietro Lorenzetti and his brother Ambrogio ).

Works (selection)

  • Madonna con Bambino in trono angeli, santi e; Annuncio ai pastori; Nativity of the Gesù; Incontro dei tre vivi e dei tre morti; Crocifissione di Cristo, Gemäldegalerie (Berlin).
  • San Giovanni Battista manda due Discepoli suoi da Cristo, Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden.
  • San Giovanni Battista, San Giovanni Evangelista and Sant'Egidio, Galleria dell'Accademia, Florence ( parts of a triptych ).


Tabernacle of Santa Maria della Tromba, Florence

Madonna with Saints, triptych Uffizi
