James Till

James Edgar Till ( born August 25, 1931 in Lloydminster, Saskatchewan ) is a Canadian biophysicist and stem cell and cancer researcher and former professor at the University of Toronto.


Till 1952 earned a bachelor's degree in 1954 and a master's in physics at the University of Saskatchewan (Saskatoon, Canada ), 1957 a Ph.D. at Yale University (New Haven ( Connecticut ), USA). As a postdoctoral fellow he went to the Connaught Medical Research Laboratories in Toronto and was a 1958 scientific foundation staff of the Ontario Cancer Institute as a sister institution to the Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto. While he was initially in the Department of Physics, Till in 1967 moved to the Department of Biological Research, of which he took over in 1969. In addition, Till worked at the Department of Medical Biophysics at the University of Toronto in 1958, where he 1965 Junior Professorship (Associate Professor ) and in 1968 a full professor took over. Since 1996, he has the title of Senior Scientist Emeritus at the Ontario Cancer Institute and since 1997 a University Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto.

Till is married and has three children.


Till dealt first with the radiosensitivity of various mammalian tissues, including the bone marrow. Together with Ernest A. McCulloch, he published papers on basic biology of stem cells and the physiology and pathophysiology of hematopoiesis. From 1980 Till quality of life issues, research ethics or decision turned on in cancer patients. Recent work dealing with the dissemination of health information over the Internet ( e- Health ), with special consideration of the Open Access movement.

Awards (selection)
