Jõgeva Parish

The rural community Jõgeva (Estonian: Jõgeva vald ) is a rural municipality in the Estonian county Jõgeva. It surrounds the city of the same name Jõgeva.


In the rural community Jõgeva there are five large villages (Estonian alevikud ) and 36 villages (Estonian külad ).

The major towns are:

  • Jõgeva
  • Vaimastvere
  • Siimusti
  • Laiuse
  • Kuremaa


Two places in the community take in the history of Estonia has a special place.

In the former Good Kärde (Swedish Kardis, Russian Кардис ) was born on 21 Junijul. / July 1 1661greg. the Peace of Kardis closed - he sealed the Russian - Swedish war. Thus, the Russian Empire was forced to cede to the Swedish crown the eastern areas in today's Estonia and Latvia.

In the Great Northern War, the Swedish King Karl XII wintered. 1700/1701 in the castle of Laiuse.

Cities: Jõgeva | Mustvee | Põltsamaa Communities: Jõgeva | Kasepää | Pajusi | Pala | Palamuse | Puurmani | Põltsamaa | Saare | Tabivere | Torma

  • Community in Estonia
  • Jõgeva (Town )