
Kataba, translated: the one-eyed leopard, are two places, a forest and a valley with a stream running in Zambia:

  • Kataba, a 1,157 meters high place in the province of Luapula (11 ° 52 ' S, 29 ° 46' O 11.86666666666729.766666666667 ) southeast of Bangweulusees, an inaccessible village with unpaved, 1,000 -meter-long airstrip
  • Kataba on Kataba Bach in the Western Province (15 ° 30 ' S, 23 ° 16' O 15.523.266666666667 ) is in discussions about a tenth province, the Kafue Province, called more often, which is to include the districts or parts thereof by: Mumbwa, Kabompo, Kasempa, Lukulu, Namwala, Kalomo, Kazungula, Mulobezi, Kataba, Sesheke and Kaoma as its capital. This Kafue Province should be completely focused on the Kafue National Park and tourist development appropriately. Kataba is located 288 km away from Luwingu where the nearest hospital is. The path leads through marsh land of rivers that run the whole year around water.
  • Kataba, a forest reserve ( Miombo ) in Mongu. (14 ° 48 '0 "S, 24 ° 50' 0" E - 14.824.833333333333 ) with 950 mm rainfall per year and an international biological research station
  • The Katabatal of Kataba creek in Barotseland in Bulozi level