
Kirsanof (Russian Кирсанов ) is a town in Tambov Oblast (Russia) with 17,224 inhabitants (as of October 14, 2010 ).


The city is located about 95 km east of the Oblasthauptstadt Tambov on the river near its confluence with the Pursowka Worona in the river system of the Don.

Kirsanof the Oblast is administratively subordinated directly and as the administrative center of the homonymous Rajons.


The place was in the first half of the 17th century, founded as a village Kirsanowo, named after the first settler Kirsan Subakin, with Kirsan, Church Slavonic is the popular form of the name Chrysanth Chrisanf.

1702 the settlement as to Krassinski - iron work was duly mentioned.

1779 was the place the municipal law as an administrative center of a circle ( Ujesds ) of Tambov under the name Kirsanof. In the 19th century Kirsanof was significant merchant and artisan town, especially after the opening of the railway in 1875.

The circle Kirsanof was from 1920 to 1922 one of the centers of the peasant uprising of Tambov.


Note: Census data (1926 rounded)

Culture and sights

In Kirsanof trading numbers 1838-1841 and the Cosmas and Damian Church ( Козьмодемьянская церковь / Kosmodemyanskaya Tserkov ) obtained from 1839, along with a number of other administrative and public buildings from the 19th century ( Semstwoverwaltung and hospital, railway station, merchant Club).

The city has since 1924 a local museum.

Economy and infrastructure

In Kirsanof there is a plant for textile machinery and plants in the textile and food industry (sugar, dry milk, fruit and vegetables ).

The town lies on the railway opened in 1875 through Moscow- Tambov Saratov ( kilometer 571 ). After Kirsanof the highway leads 1R 208 of Tambov, which extends further from here than 1R 209 to Penza.

Kirsanof is the main breeding region of Tambov Rotviehs.


  • Alexander Antonov (1889-1922), social revolutionary and later a leader of the peasant uprising of Tambov, youth and spent time before the uprising in Kirsanof
  • Yevgeny Baratynski (1800-1844), writer and poet, born on the estate Wjaschlo, Circle Kirsanof
  • Boris Chicherin (1828-1904), lawyer, philosopher and historian, born in watchtower, Circle Kirsanof