Kutná Hora District

Okres Kutná Hora ( German: Kutná Hora District ) is a district in the Czech Republic. It lies in the southeastern corner of the Středočeský kraj and in the north of the Bohemian- Moravian Highlands, between the rivers Elbe and Sázava. The lowest point lies in the north of the creek Klejnárka (198 m above sea level. M. ), the highest point is the hill Na Průhoně (551 m above sea level. M. ) at Třebětín.

Covering an area of 917 km ² live in 88 communities in 267 districts of 73 600 inhabitants, 53 % of them in the four cities Čáslav, Kutná Hora, Zruč nad Sázavou and Uhlířské Janovice. The majority of the population is now in nachproduktiven age.

Before the Second World War there was still facing some pure agriculture. After that, more and more industrial companies settled on, which are mainly engaged in the engineering, food industry, beverage, tobacco, glass, textile and footwear production. The largest employers are in Zruč nad Sázavou ( Sázavan ) in Kutná Hora ( Avia, Philip Morris and CKD ), in Čáslav ( Praga ). Nevertheless, there are most of the unemployed in the county: 11.9%. 49.6 % of the population is employed, 28.4 % in industry and 8.5 % in agriculture. The average salary is 16 085 crowns, about 1000 crowns less than the county average.


In the district there are many historical monuments and buildings.

  • In Kutna Hora the historic city center belongs to the Cathedral of St. Barbara, the Church of St. James and the Vlašský Dvůr a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • The Ursuline Convent in Kutna Hora
  • The Kačina castle, today agricultural museum
  • Žleby castle, built in 1278, and Suchdol Castle, Castle Tupadl, castle and castle Žehušice Rataje.

Among the natural monuments include the park at Žehušice lock with coniferous and deciduous trees and fields, where you can observe white deer and fallow deer, the National Park Kaňk, a famous paleontological region and Rybníček u Horan.

Cities and Towns

Adamov - Bernardov - Bile Podolí - Bludov - Bohdanečský - Brambory - Bratčice ( Bratschitz ) - Církvice - Čáslav - Čejkovice - Černíny - Červené Janovice - Čestín - Dobrovítov - Dolni Pohleď - Drobovice - Hlízov - Horka I - Horka II - Horky - Horusice - Hostovlice - Hraběšín - Chabeřice - Chlístovice - Chotusice - Kacov - Kluky - Kobylnice - Košice - Krchleby - Křesetice - Kutna Hora - Ledečko - Malešov - Miskovice - Močovice - Nepoměřice - Nové Dvory - Okřesaneč - Onomyšl - Opatovice I - Paběnice - Pertoltice - Petro Vice I - Petro Vice II - Podveky - Potěhy - Rašovice - Rataje nad Sázavou - Rohozec - Řendějov - Samopše - Semtěš - Schořov - Slavošov - Soběšín - Souňov - Staňkovice - Starkoč - Sudějov - Suchdol - Svatý Mikuláš - Šebestěnice - Stipoklasy - Třebešice - Třebětín - Třebonín - Tupadl - Uhlířské Janovice - Úmonín - Úžice - Vavrinec - Vidice - Vinaře - Vlacice - Vlastějovice - Vlkaneč - Vodranty - Vrdy - Záboří nad Labem - Zbizuby - Zbraslavice - Zbysov - Zruč nad Sázavou - Žáky - Žehušice - Žleby

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49.8715.24Koordinaten: 49 ° 52 ' N, 15 ° 14' O

  • Okres in the Czech Republic
  • Okres Kutná Hora