
51.248988.41867505Koordinaten: 51 ° 14 ' 56 " N, 8 ° 25' 7" E

Location of Lanfert in Schmallenberg

Lanfert is a district of the town of Schmallenberg in North Rhine -Westphalia.


The district Lanfert is 1.8 km east of Boedefeld and 0.8 km to the west of Walbecke along Route 740, which connects these two places. Through the town flows the Valme.


The farm Lanfert was built in 1835 by the owner of Bödefelder Solstätte Drannemer, which was one of the greatest of freedom Bödefeld. The new court was erected in front of a national militia, of which the name " Lanfert " derives. On 1 January 1975 Lanfert was incorporated with the community Bödefeld - freedom in the town of Schmallenberg.
