Law enforcement in Italy

Italy, like France or Spain, no federally structured police system, but maintains several national police organizations with partly overlapping responsibilities to prevent and to concentration of power in one hand or in a ministry.

The Ministry of Interior is the civilian State Police ( Polizia di Stato ), which operates mainly in larger cities.

The Carabinieri are under the fourth strike force in the Department of Defense and provided as directed by the Interior Ministry police. You have especially in the country with a dense network of guard stations.

A third national police force, the Guardia di Finanza, a militarily organized tax and customs police, under the Ministry of Economy and Finance and is responsible for combating economic crime. It is mainly active in the field of taxation and customs investigation.

In charge of Mafia combat Direzione Investigativa anti- Mafia ( DIA), especially members of the above-mentioned police forces work together under one roof.

The Ministry of Interior is responsible for coordinating all national police forces. The head of the state police is also director general for public security and, as such, national police coordinator.

In addition, on the national level, some special police authorities. These include the Ministry of Justice under standing prison police ( Polizia Penitenziaria ) that the Agriculture under the Ministry of Forestry Police Department ( Corpo Forestale dello Stato ), as well as the military organized Coast Guard ( Guardia Costiera ), which reports to the Ministry of Transport.

While the Carabinieri are permanently subordinated to the Ministry of Defence ( and act in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of the Interior ), financial police and the Coast Guard can also be the Ministry of Defence and the General Staff for the military defense of the country's borders are assumed in the defense case.

At the local level, there are sometimes unarmed communal police ( Polizia Municipale or vigili Urbani ), which mainly deals with the regulation of the local road traffic, the lost and found, parking management and to the smaller concerns of the population. They are under the respective mayors, however, the supreme supervision lead the regional governments.

At the provincial level, there is the small provincial police ( Polizia Provinciale ), which ensure compliance with the hunting and inland fishing regulations of the provincial government.
