Lepsius list of pyramids

Karl Richard Lepsius produced in the evaluation of his expedition to Egypt (1842-1846) a list of all monuments in Egypt, which he identified as pyramids. This list he published in his major work Monuments from Egypt and Ethiopia ( 1849-1859 ).

In compiling the list, he numbered the buildings sorted geographically from north to south, with Abu Roasch the northernmost and Hawara was the southernmost site. The numbering is in Roman numerals.

Not all objects cataloged Lepsius as pyramids, proved more accurate in studies as such. Some are sun temples, mastabas and other monuments of massive pyramid complexes, others could not be identified in subsequent studies. Some of the works which could be attributed to any builders, are to this day with their number from Lepsius ' list (eg, the Lepsius - I- pyramid Lepsius XXIV pyramid Lepsius XXV pyramid Lepsius -L- pyramid ).

Pyramid list

  • Objects that no longer can no longer be identified or considered as a pyramid today are grayed out.
  • Objects that are today known only by the Lepsius number are shown in italics


On the maps, which Lepsius anfertigte of the necropolis, the objects listed above are located. The sequence is arranged as shown in the above table from north to south.


Saujet el- Arjan and Abusir


South Saqqara


El Lisht

Meidum and El - Lahun

