List of political parties in Iran

The list of political parties in Iran from the Constitutional Revolution in 1906 until today.

From 1906 to 1979

During the Constitutional Revolution, the adoption of a constitution, the establishment of a parliament ( Majlis (Iran) ) and the associated introduction of a Constitutional Monarchy came there to the formation of parties whose MPs who applied in the upcoming elections for seats in parliament. From the beginning of the Constitutional Monarchy in Iran, a multi-party system began to emerge. However, the political parties formed a rather loose association of individuals, so that their effect was rather low in the political process, with the exception of the communist parties. Only the " Communist Party of Iran " and which was founded by the Anglo -Soviet invasion of Iran in 1941 as a successor party communist " Tudeh Party " were as tightly run cadre parties, the only parties with a high level of organization.

As part of his reform projects Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi in 1960 attempted to establish a two-party system modeled after the United States. Prime Minister Manouchehr Eghbal called the conservative oriented Melliyune ( Nationalist Party ) to life, while Asadollah Alam founded the Mardom Party ( People's Party). Nevertheless, with unexpectedly a third party, the National Front, competed in the elections to the 20th legislative period, it came with the approval of Prime Minister Eghbal to massive electoral fraud in favor of his party, so that the elections later canceled and Parliament was dissolved. With the founding of the party " Iran Novin (New Iran) " by Hassan Ali Mansour, who won a majority in Parliament at first, a two-party system began to emerge, the Iran Novin Party held the majority of seats and the Mardom Party as a minority party acted.

After it had never succeeded in all the years of Mardom party to win a majority of seats, the two parties were summarized on the orders of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi 1975 Rastachiz movement ( awakening movement). The Rastachiz movement proved to be a complete failure, so that the Shah in 1977 political liberalization initiated, which was designated as open political space. Among the upcoming parliamentary elections, all parties who wanted to apply for, be admitted. An exception was the Tudeh Party, which remained banned. These planned 1979 elections, it is no longer made, since the existing constitution was repealed as part of the Islamic revolution.

After 1979,

Since the founding of the Islamic Republic on 1 April 1979, gave a number of parties with fluctuating political influence. In the Majlis Schoraye Eslami parties are represented by direct election. Also in the directly elected committee of experts and in which, unlike the election of the Chancellor also direct presidential election, these parties play a crucial role as the 2009 presidential election showed. Currently, 223 political parties and organizations are permitted to constitutional activities.

Groups in the Parliament

The parties in the Iranian parliament are divided into communities fraction of the principles of spreading, the British conservatives and the reformers. In addition, are independent, representative of the Armenian minority, as well as representatives of religious groups ( Chaldean and Assyrian Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians ) Member of the Iranian Parliament since the Constitutional Revolution in 1905. Following list includes currently represented parties whose party chairman, year of establishment and their political orientation.

Biggest parties

In addition, there are other political movements such as the Ansare Hezbollah.

In Iran banned parties
