List of songs recorded by ABBA

This list includes those published by ABBA songs. The number of original English-language versions is 100 pieces. Adding to the number of Spanish and other language versions with one, so the total number added to 123 pieces.

  • 2.1 Legend

Alphabetical Overview


  • Song: Because ABBA have often included multilingual songs throughout her career, this list is limited to the English versions and titles. Other language versions are listed below.
  • First published: data refer to the respective first dated publication of the respective songs on disc media, but not original publications in the context of a TV program or on the radio. Since ABBA considered as a whole have been released on albums more songs, the data refer, unless otherwise stated in parenthesis following the first publication in the context of each album.
  • Recording sessions: data indicate, worked in what period of time at the respective song. Possible außertürliche work on texts, mixing, etc. are reserved!
  • Working title: Often got ABBA songs in their formative stages certain titles, which were then completed as an independent song while under a different name was (usually the final song title) on working. The names listed can represent both simple working title, as well as independent and unreleased ABBA songs.

Spanish Songs


  • Song: concerns the Spanish title of the song.
  • Original title: leads to the name of the English original.
  • First published: refers to the first release of the Spanish version of the song as a single or as part of an album! (Note: Spanish ABBA songs that were recorded only after 1980, saw only in 1994 as part of the remastered version of the album ABBA Oro - Grandes Éxitos the light of day. )
  • Recording sessions: refer to the initial phase of the Spanish versions. Due to the parallel recording phase of the songs in different languages ​​, it is possible that some data overlap with those of the original English versions.

Other language versions
