Luis Calvo

- 20.666666666667 - 63.583333333333Koordinaten: 20 ° 40 ' S, 63 ° 35 ' ​​W

Luis Calvo is a province in the southeastern part of the department of Chuquisaca in the South American Andes State of Bolivia. The province takes its name in honor of the musician Luis Calvo.


The province is one of the ten provinces in the department of Chuquisaca. It is bounded on the northwest by the province Tomina, on the west by the province of Hernando Siles, to the south by the department of Tarija, in the southeast to the Republic of Paraguay, and in the east and north by the department of Santa Cruz.

The province extends approximately between 19 ° 00 ' and 21 ° 00' south latitude and 62 ° 11 'and 64 ° 00 ' west longitude, their extent from west to east is up to 165 kilometers from north to south, up to 225 km.


The population of the province Luis Calvo has risen in the past two decades by about a tenth, however, have declined in the last decade:

45.5 percent of the population are younger than 15 years, the literacy rate in the province is 72.7 percent. (1992)

96.1 percent of the population speaking Spanish, 9.2 percent Quechua, Aymara 0.4 percent, and 26.1 percent other indigenous languages. (1992)

92.8 percent of the population have no access to electricity, 77.0 percent have no sanitary facilities (1992).

91.8 percent of the population are Catholics, 4.1 percent are Protestant (1992).


The Luis Calvo province is divided into three Municipalities:

  • Municipio Huacaya - 2,345 inhabitants ( 2001)
  • Municipio Macharetí - 7,386 inhabitants ( 2001)
  • The municipality of Villa Vaca Guzmán - 10,748 inhabitants ( 2001)