Luxembourgian Footballer of the Year

As a footballer of the year the most outstanding player of the season is annually honored in Luxembourg. The Player of the Year is determined by the daily newspaper Luxemburger Wort; first title holder of the award made ​​since 1988, Denis Scuto. Acting winners of the Challenge Guy Greffrath is the Luxembourg Aurélien Joachim.

When candidates come only player in question, which are at a club the National Division under contract.

Between 1964 and 2000 also established the Lorraine newspaper Le Républicain Lorrain a Monsieur Football. First titleholder was Théo Stendebach, as the last winner was Jeff Strasser forth. This badge has been awarded a total of 35 times, always in a player with Luxembourg citizenship.

The most successful player is Guy Hellers, who was seven times elected Monsieur Football. The runners follow Robert Langer ( five titles Monsieur Football ), Manuel Cardoni (a title and four titles Monsieur Football Challenge Guy Greffrath ), Louis Pilot ( four titles Monsieur Football) and six other players, each with two awards.

  • 2.1 Players
  • 3.1 Notes and references

List of champions

  • Season: Name the season in which the player was selected.
  • Name: Lists the name of the player.
  • Nationality: Name the nationality of the player.
  • Club: Call the club for which the player has played at that time. By bold printed associations were in the specified season champion.

Monsieur Football

Challenge Guy Greffrath


