Middle River (British Columbia)


Template: Infobox River / BILD_fehlt

Template: Infobox River / Obsolete

The Middle River ( Dakelh: Dzitl'ainli Koh ) is a river in the Omineca Country in northwestern British Columbia Interior in Canada. It forms the outflow of Takla Lake, flows in a southeasterly direction and empties into the Trembleur Lake. It has a length of about 22 km.

The river forms a portion of the salmon run, the, the Nechako River, then the Stuart River leads up the Fraser River to the Takla Lake. The unfinished Dease Lake extension of the British Columbia Railway runs along the left ( northern ) bank of the river. The settlement Middle River, which the Dzitline Lee Indian Reserve includes 9, located at the mouth of the river in the Trembleur Lake. O K'Ay Wha Cho 26, another Indian Reservation, located on the west bank of the Middle River.
