Mihai Eminescu

Mihai Eminescu [ Mihaj Eminesku ] (actually Mihail Eminovici; born January 15, 1850 in Ipotesti, county Botosani, then Duchy of Bukovina, Romania today, † June 15, 1889 in Bucharest ) is considered the greatest Romanian poet of the 19th century. His work set the standards for the development of the modern Romanian high-level language.


Early years

Mihai was born as the seventh child of the landowner and his wife Raluca Gheorghe Eminovici. He attended the German -language secondary school and later the German High School in the belonging to the Imperial and Royal Monarchy Czernowitz, the capital of Bukovina. One of his teachers was Aron Pumnul, a Romanian linguist who had emigrated because of his revolutionary ideas from Transylvania and now his students, including the young Eminescu, to convince them of the importance of the Romanian language and culture studied.

Although Eminescu devoured the books of the library, he had some difficulties to adapt to the level of education discipline. Just fourteen years old, he joined a troupe of traveling actors to ( theater groups by Mihai Pascaly and Iorgu Caragiale ), whose unconventional lifestyle he was thrilled. He worked as Rollenabschreiber and as a prompter at the proffered national plays and got by with odd jobs.

First works and studies

In 1866 he published for the first time the poem De - aş avea ( "If I had " ) in the Romanian magazine Familia ( The Family), published in Budapest Iosif Vulcan. It was he who did not like the Slavic suffix - ovici in his birth name, and therefore gave him the seemingly more romanian last name " Eminescu ". 1869 Eminescu with like-minded literary circle Orientul ( " The Orient "), which among other things aimed to collect folk tales and poems. In the same year succeeded his father to track down their offspring and to send him unceremoniously to Vienna, there to complete a study of philosophy. Of Eminescu was quite impressed, but now he was free to satisfy his thirst for knowledge and was even supported financially by the Father.

He read at this time many historical and philosophical texts, where it particularly Arthur Schopenhauer's " The World as Will and Representation " impressed and inspired him to write a number of poems. The pessimism of Schopenhauer and misogyny are fully present in Eminescu 's poetic works, including the confrontation with Eastern religions (such as in Kamadeva ) has its origin in the studies in Vienna.

He was able to attend the lectures as a guest listener because he lacked a high school, but for experienced an artistically fertile period. In 1870 he published in the journal Convorbiri lite rare ( Literary conversations ), which in Iasi from the literature circle Junimea ( The youth, from romanian june - "young" ) was published, the poem Venere şi Madona ( "Venus and Madonna " ) and has received much recognition by the participants of Junimea circle, especially of the successful politician Titu Maiorescu, who laid on the promotion of Romanian culture and literature in particular very large value, in order to promote the consolidation of the young Romanian national state.

From now on Maiorescu held a protective hand over Eminescu, who seemed to meet due to his great linguistic talent exactly the requirements of a " national poet " to. In all difficult or hopeless situations Eminescu was given a lifetime of Titu Maiorescu support.

From 1871 to 1874 Eminescu studied in Berlin, and - after he had received from Botosani Titu Maiorescu a High School evidence - or college courses in the disciplines of philosophy, history, economics and law. In these years, the influence of German culture on his mind and his artistic activity was enormous. In addition to philosophical and historical texts he read German literature, especially German poetry. So he has dealt intensively with Arthur Schopenhauer and Immanuel Kant He translated, for example, excerpts from Kant's Critique of Pure Reason or works of Friedrich Schiller. Sitting in cafes, he copied from newspapers poems she translated, wrote after, edited and processed German texts and took them into Romanian everything seemed interesting to him. Therefore, it is not surprising that a number of his poems German original texts are based - to what extent you are dealing with are translations or adaptations in Romanian, is very controversial today in the Romanian literature. It is clear that the influence of German literature on Eminescu work of great importance.

More Releases

He has published in the journal " Convorbiri lite rare" remain frequent poems, was in close contact with the Junimea members, especially to Titu Maiorescu. This had already provided a chair for him at the University of Iaşi, but Eminescu returned in 1874 without an exam, let alone an academic title, back and refused to complete the studies in Berlin, ostensibly for family reasons. Maiorescu gave him the position of Director of the Central Library.

1875 inflamed in Eminescu 's love for Veronica Micle, a very attractive, but married young woman with literary ambitions. He made acquaintance with the village teacher and storybook author Ion Creangă, with whom he formed a lifelong friendship. He was now the school auditor for Iasi and Vaslui neighboring, but was soon relieved of this function, and it worked as an editor for the local newspaper Curierul de Iaşi ( Iaşer courier ). In it he published, among other poems Melancolie ( "Melancholy " ), Lacul ( " The Lake " ) and Dorinţa ( "desire" ). On August 15, 1876 his mother died in Raluca Ipotesti. He learned in Bucharest Mite Kremnitz know, a German confidante of Queen Elizabeth of Romania ( Carmen Sylva ), who worked as a writer and as a translator. Eminescu became friends with her, but still revered vehemently the married Veronica Micle. 1877 moved to Bucharest Eminescu and engaged in the newspaper Timpul ( Die Zeit) as editor, which he wrote almost all the items himself, making him very strained on duration and hollowed out his powers.

He did in this period for its political articles out who brought his nationalist and xenophobic attitude expressed. In addition, many poems were written. Eminescu was also very productive on an artistic level, only in the private sector lucky he was not fond of: Veronica Micles husband had indeed died in 1879, but Eminescu could not decide whether to marry with Veronica; whether out of fear of the civil obligations, which would bring a marriage with him, or doubts about the durability of his relationship with Veronica, can only be guessed. The fact is that the pessimistic tone in his love poems strongly from then on increased, the sonnets appeared at that time are filled with despair and disappointment.

Similarly, the first four letters ( scrisori, 1881) radiate much sarcasm and pessimism, and also the " evening star " ( Luceafarul ) ( 1882) brings a more negative view of woman as a love partner to express. To what extent in this aspect of personal life experience Eminescu consistent with the angelesenen philosophical attitude Schopenhauer how far they might superimposed, it can be said heavily. What is certain is that Eminescu suffered from an inner turmoil, aufrieb is, in a literary meticulousness, his poems repeatedly rejected linguistically revised, single verses, others added, could bring himself hard to a definitivum and finally many manuscripts that he countless times had changed, simply lost sight of, so they went to his disorder. For this reason there are several versions of most of the poems that are sophisticated linguistically brilliant, but there could be no definitive decision Eminescu for one or the other version, because in 1883 showed the first symptoms of his mental illness. For publications in 1883 in the journal Familia - including Sa dus amorul ... ( " Fort love is ..."), Cand ... amintirile ( " Memories ... ") Adio ( " Farewell " ), Pe Langa Plopii Fara Sot ... ( "On lonely poplars ..."), Şi DACA ... ( "What if ...") - Eminescu received a modest fee; However, the only thing he ever got for his literature.

Poor Health

You interned him for some time in a clinic, and Titu Maiorescu took care of the first edition Eminescu with even 26 until then unpublished poems finally appeared at the turn of 1883/1884 with his preface. He succeeded Eminescu to convince them that his hospital stay was denied by the proceeds of the book of poems, not to hurt his pride. 1884 his father died and one of his brothers committed suicide. Eminescu undertook a recovery trip to Northern Italy in the company of a certain Chibici, after his return, he worked briefly as an assistant librarian in the library, whose director he once was, then he had to be interned again. The poetry collection was launched for the second time. The library ancillary activity changed in the following years, with hospital stays.

1888 Eminescu received state support, so that he was free to finish some manuscripts. Again and again he published new poems, the revisions to earlier, previously unpublished poems were, in most cases, and finally appeared in the third edition of his book of poems. This, published in the December edition, in addition to the works published so far contains the poems La steaua ( " Zum Stern " ), De ce nu -mi vii ( " Why do not you " ) and Kamadeva ( " Kamadeva "). Also this year, brought him Veronica Micle again for some time to himself to Bucharest, but in February 1889 he had to be hospitalized again. Whether his mental illness was hereditary ( in his family, there were several cases of mental confusion ), or whether he was suffering from the after-effects of a syphilitic infection, could not be clearly understood.

Finally Eminescu died in the night to 15 June 1889 in Bucharest a sanatorium. In the same year died also Veronica Micle and one of his best friends, Ion Creangă. He was on friendly terms since 1879 with Alexandru Vlahuţă. The latter devoted Mihai after his death the work " Dupa Eminescu ".

On October 28, 1948, he was among other famous Romanian writer Ion Luca Caragiale as Ion Creangă and Alexandru Vlahuţă post mortem was added as an honorary member of the " Romanian Academy ".


Eminescu poetic work set the standards for the further development of the Romanian literary language. He wrote in a still modern language whose orthography While over changed several times, but it is by no means outdated lexikologisch. As already described, Eminescu created usually several versions of his poems, which he could always changing and rarely opt for a definite. After his death, many other, previously unpublished poems came to light, each again in different versions. Of course, the question arises whether and which the poet himself would have published and which he had never released for publication even in these poems.

Over time, had many Romanian literary scholars, led by the famous Perpessicius, some changes to the language Eminescu made ​​to reflect the current parlance. Gheorghe Bulgar made ​​it as a recognized Eminescu researchers the task of the spelling reintroduce the Eminescu actually was to use in his poems, to give them so again authenticity.

