
Pindamonhangaba on the map of Brazil

Pindamonhangaba is a Brazilian city in the state of São Paulo. Pindamonhangaba lies in the valley of the River Paraíba, in the micro-region of São José dos Campos. The city's name is derived from the language of the Tupi. Thus, says Pinda - monhang - aba " the place where the river makes a turn ", in relation to the course of the Rio Paraíba at the level of the Bosque da Princesa ( "Forest Princess ").

The transport connection is primarily through the street Presidente Dutra (BR -116 ), at the 99th km

  • 6.1 Road connectivity
  • 6.2 railroads


In the area of today's Pindamonhangaba 1643 Portuguese have settled, under the leadership of a certain captain João do Prado Martins at least since July 22 of this year. Six years later, on 17 May 1649 the area was declared as raw land and given to the captain. Apparently there is no information about what happened then until 12 August 1672. This day is held in a build directory of a chapel. This was built by the brothers Antônio Bicudo Leme and Braz Leme Esteves in honor of São José. These brothers Leme in turn had obtained the lands north of the village Taubaté by a countess, " Condessa de Vimieiro ". There are not receive endorsements, such as the transfer of the territory from the first owner, Captain Martin, may be designed to have the Countess. Given an open, historical questions this anomaly has been ruled by a decree of the first mayors of the city. The Mayor Dr. Caio Gomez put, in terms firmly on the brothers Leme, the August 12, 1672 as the date of the city foundation. Later it was decreed by Mayor João Bosco Nogueira that for the city of July 10 of the year 1705 is considered as the "Day of the authorization ."

With respect to the more accurate, historical developments, there are two versions:

A possible first conjecture states that the brothers Leme of the Countess de Condessa Vimieiro, farmland acquired, which took place in the north of the village Taubaté and near the bank of the Paraíba River. Then, on August 12 of the year 1672 would Antônio Bicudo Leme and Braz Leme Esteves to build a chapel in honor of São José started while the population of São José de Pindamonhangaba had thus completed. Said chapel was built on the summit of a hill, where nowadays the Praça da República Largo do Quartel is. Based on this assumption, presented on December 7, 1953 fixed the mayor, Dr. Caio Gomez Figureido, the August 12, 1672 as the Day of Town foundation. This was done by means of the law with the number 197 were arrested as city founders, the brothers Antônio Bicudo Leme and Braz Leme Esteves.

According to another, the second theory had been distributed in the area of ​​today's cities Taubaté, Pindamonhangaba and Guaratinguetá at the beginning of the 17th century, raw land. Here, an area highlighted, which had been granted to the captain João do Prado Martins on 17 May 1649 called on the Pindamonhangaba place. Regarding one, the adjudication of the relevant letter lands was the and his family and other supporters of São Paulo settlers coming João do Prado Martins already owned the land. And reaching the present site Pindamonhangabas by said entourage was dated July 22, 1643 and thus are considered as the actual date of the city's founding. For a time, was established by João do Prado Martins Bauern-/Gutshof was located exactly at the site of the later village, from which ultimately became the present town. Starting from one of the site on the right bank of the Rio Paraíba, initially formed a Taubaté dependent bairro ( " District "). This area experienced an influx of new settlers and residents. It came to a church whose patron saint Nossa Senhora do Bom Sucesso ( "Our holy woman of good turning out " ) was. The construction of the church goes back to the Father João de Faria Fialho, who is also regarded as the founder Pindamonhangabas.

Dated to the end of the 16th century, the occupation of the territory on which there is the modern city of Pindamonhangaba. Initially was in this place a stop / service station (for the former expeditions further inland ). Here, it is not exactly known, was started from when to call this place with that Native American word pindamonhangaba circumscribing the location of the bend in the river. The development of the service station was favored, and they also grew rapidly because of the high quality soil. The mild climate and the location meant that a lot of tourists on the way to Minas Gerais sought out the service station / stop. As early as 1680 Pindamonhangaba was similarly populated as the city of Taubaté. In this time back the construction of the first chapel of São José, built by the brothers Antônio Bicudo Leme and Braz Leme Esteves. On 10 July 1705, the settlement Pindamonhangaba was also awarded the rights of a village. From this time from Pindamonhangaba was politically detached Taubaté.

During the 18th century, developed in Pindamonhangaba pastoralism and agriculture. Predominant was the cultivation of sugar cane and its processing into sugar and Schaps in special factories to do so. These factories are called in Portuguese engenhos. During the main phase of the Brazilian coffee growing, the city experienced its greatest splendor and thereby gained to national importance. The coffee industry began in the city from 1820, and Pindamonhangaba transformed into a center of this development, supported by the fertile soil and also from the work force of the then prevailing slavery.

During this period, different, distinctive buildings were erected: Multiple castle, including Palacete 10 de Julho, Palacete Visconde da Palmeira, Palacete Tiradentes, and the churches of São José and the more denominational church of Nossa Senhora do Bom Sucesso. These structures are still a reflection of wealth, which gave the former coffee cultivation. Pindamonhangaba was then appointed by order of April 3, 1849 the city and received by the then poet and chronicler Emilio Zaluar the title "Princess of the North " award. The prosperity of coffee cultivation subsided in the 1920s. Affected the coffee business have sustained several factors: first, the exhaustion of the soil, then the abolition of slavery as well as the contemporary world economic crisis. From this time on, the city was based on achieving an important role in the dairy industry, along with an expansion of rice cultivation and kleinbäuerlichem work. This was an era of low economic growth, which lasted until the end of the 1950s. Then, a pre-industrial phase began. The period from 1970 to 1985 then again marked by extreme growth, this time in the industrial sector. This last-time development led again to significant changes in the structure of the city.

Because of doubts about the actual founding date of the birthday of the city is nowadays becoming committed on July 10, the day the political independence as a separate municipality.

Moreira César

This is one of the most important bairros ( " Districts " ) Pindamonhangabas, 13 kilometers long in its spread. This area is adjacent to the other district Coruputuba, within which the same is the Fazenda of the agricultural undertaking Cícero Prado. Obviously this company has contributed to the enormous progress this part of town. Initially founded there Antônio César Claro, between the towns of Barranco Alto and Nhambuí. These place names no longer exist today. César was considered energetic administrator, who was among the slaves than feared.

It is believed that there would be a way of Moreira César to Ubatuba, on which the coffee products of the company could be spent, which were located between the towns of Mantiqueira to Quebra - Cangalha. The modern name of the place derives from the Serra Mantiqueira ago da Mantiqueira, a coastal mountain range between the cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. On January 18, 1877, the railway line from São Paulo to Rio de Janeiro was opened. This compound was built by a company in which a certain Baron Homem de Melo from Pindamonhangaba presided. On 7 July 1877, the opening of the connection point of Cachoeira was. This was later resolved by the government again, henceforth called the Railway Company Estrada de Ferro Central do Brasil. Around 1880, a telegraph post was set up in the district. From then on, the steward of the environment also interested for its own train station. Therefore a special effort to have the captain Alexandre Mendes, Antônio César Ferreira, and Bernardino de Sena Leite, who have even donated to the necessary land for this goal.

Finally, there was from the January 7, 1898 a railway station, named after César Moreira. This was in recognition and in honor of Colonel Antônio Moreira César from Pindamonhangaba. The colonel was killed in the war of Canudos in Bahia, in which he commanded government troops.

1907, the district was classified as a police district. This was done by the construction of a prison and the appointment of the following sub Members: Captain Alexandre Mendes, Antonia Alves Moutinho, Ildefonso de França Machado and Olímpio Marcondes de Azevedo.

The first legislative session after the re - democratization of the country in 1946, a true representative of this part of town was the mayor prevail in the election. It was the councilor José Francisco Machado, who passed away during his tenure. On the occasion of the second term in 1954 Silva was elected a councilor with other Ângelo Paz there. This first denounced to the survey of the district into the category of a district Distrito de Paz, this happened on December 31, 1958 by the federal law with the number 5121. However occurred on 31 December, after all the introduction as a district, which is called Distrito de Paz de Moreira César. The formal framework of this event took place in the courtyard of the school Escola Estadual Deputado Claro César, in the presence of the then judge for Pindamonhangaba, Paulo Campos de Azevedo. The first sub- mayor of the district was the auditor Alfredo Augusto Mesquita.


Data according to a census from the year 2009:

  • Total population: 144 613
  • Population in urban areas: 119 078
  • Residents in rural areas: 12,343
  • Women: 67 798
  • Men: 64 524
  • Population Density: 172.59 people per square kilometer
  • Child mortality to one year of age: 8.32 per thousand
  • Life expectancy: 78.67 years
  • Children per woman: 2.04
  • Levels of literacy: 97.44 %
  • Development index (HDI * M): 0.815
  • HDI * M Rent: 0,742
  • HDI * M Life expectancy: 0,787
  • HDI * M Education: 0,916


At the end of the 17th century through Pindamonhangaba lived only on agriculture and self-sufficiency.

At the beginning of the 18th century attracted some residents from the Serra da Mantiqueira ( a mountain range ) and in the neighboring state of Minas Gerais. Their goal was to open up new land. The village Pindamonhangaba and all the Paraíba Valley benefited from gold discoveries. Around the year 1778 around the gold discoveries have been less, which dampened the economic development. Then, in 1789, the entire Paraíba Valley took place for coffee cultivation, which henceforth the lack of revenue due to lack of gold now equalizer away. Between 1840 and 1860 the nobility reached in Pindamonhangaba the peak of its splendor and Pindamonhangaba became the largest coffee producers in the region. During this time, stately homes and villas were built. The city was therefore in 1860 by the poet and chronicler Emilio Zaluar the title Princesa do Norte ( "Princess of the North" ).

The landed aristocracy was represented in Pindamonhangaba on a broad scale: Barao Homem de Mello - Francisco Ignácio Homem de Mello Barao de Itapeva - Ignácio Bicudo de Siqueira Salgado Barao, later Visconde da Palmeira - Antonio S. Silva Barao, then Visconde de Parahybuna - Custódio Gomes Varella Lessa Primeiro Barao de Pindaba. - Manuel O. Marcondes Mello Segundo Barao, then Visconde de Pindaba. - Francisco Marcondes Homem de Mello Barao de Romeiro - Manuel Ignácio Marcondes Romeiro Barao de Taubaté - Antonio Vieira de Oliveira Neves Barao de Lessa - Eloy Bicudo Varella Lessa ( The portuguiesische Barao stands for " Baron", Visconde means " Viscount ". ) Mid- 1870s began the decline of the coffee industry in Pindamonhangaba. Reasons were soil nutrient depletion, a growing coffee production in the western part of the state of São Paulo and also the progressive movement for the abolition of slavery.

Around 1920 experienced one of its most serious Pindamonhangaba periods of economic stagnation. Some families From that point on came from the neighboring state of Minas Gerais. These settled in the city in order to devote himself to the breeding of dairy cattle. The dairy industry eventually became the then most important industry in Pindamonhangaba.

In the 1950s, were agricultural products, especially rice and milk, the driving force for the local economy.

From 1970 Pindamonhangaba suddenly looked towards an industrial growth. Large industrial enterprises made ​​their entrance and accelerated an increase in trade and population growth.

Nowadays Pindamonhangaba mentioned again in an advanced conditional transformation phase, due to the establishment of new types of industry.


According to a census of 2000, the various ethnic groups share to 72.5% in fair-skinned, 22.5 % of a light to medium brown skin color, 3.8% of dark-skinned people, and 0.7 % Asian and 0.1 % Cobby indigenous origin.


  • Rio Paraíba do Sul
  • Rio Piracuama
  • Córrego do Curtume
  • Córrego do Galega
  • Água Preta Riberão
  • Rio Una
  • Rio Grand Ribeirão
  • Rio das Oliveira

( Portuguese waters designations: Rio means " river," Córrego means " power ", Ribeirão says " larger stream .")


Road access

  • SP -62
  • BP -132
  • BR -116

(SP designated streets, in which the state of São Paulo is responsible as an expense carrier. The abbreviation BR can be found in roads whose maintenance the country Brazil is up, similar to the federal highways in Germany. Because in Brazil the population density and thus the volume of traffic depending on the region strongly vary, it may be that the same road several times to change state, width and number of lanes throughout its history. )

Railway lines

  • Estrada de Ferro Central do Brasil
  • Estrada de Ferro Campos do Jordão

Educational institutions

  • Unopar - Universidade Norte de Paraná ( a university )
  • FAPI - Faculdade de Pindamonhangaba ( a college)
  • UniAnhanguera - Universidade Anhanguera ( a university )
  • Grup Educacional UNINTER ( Faculdade Facinter e Fatec International) (universities )
  • FATEC - Faculdade de Tecnologia de Pindamonhangaba ( a college)

Resident companies

  • Bundy Refrigeração
  • Exall
  • Gerdau S. A. (formerly Villares )
  • Latasa
  • Nobrecel
  • Novelis
  • Cachaça sapucaia
  • Plascar
  • Tenaris Confab
  • Sintex Automotive do Brasil

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Geraldo Alckmin (* 1952), politician
  • Luiz Gustavo Dias ( * 1987), Brazilian footballer