Pisces Dwarf

The Pisces Dwarf Galaxy, also known as LGS 3, is an irregularly shaped dwarf galaxy in the constellation Pisces, and probably a companion galaxy of M33, the Triangulum Galaxy. Your distance is about 2.5 million light years. The galaxy itself has a radius of only 850 light years, and thus appears in the sky than 2 minutes of arc large object.

The Pisces dwarf galaxy is telescopically difficult to be observed, since she likes an apparent magnitude of 14.3, and has a very low surface brightness. The galaxy was discovered by the astronomer Charles T. Kowal, Kwok- Yung Lo, and Wallace LW Sargent on photographic plates that had been taken in October 1978.

They suspected that they might belong to the local group and published them in a list, which they labeled " Local Group Suspected " ( LGS). The list contained a total of five objects, three of which were considered potential, previously unknown members of the local group. The newly discovered galaxy was in third place, hence the name LGS 3

In 1979, Trinh X. Thuan could finally and George E. Martin 3 confirm the membership of LGS to the local group; she finally was thus the only galaxy LGS - list, which was identified as a member of the local group.


Triangulum Galaxy | M32 | M110 | NGC 185 | NGC 147 | Peg DIG | Andromeda I | Andromeda II | Andromeda III | LGS 3 | Andromeda V | Pegasus II | Cassiopeia dwarf galaxy | Andromeda VIII | Andromeda IX | Andromeda X | Andromeda XI | Andromeda XII | XIII Andromeda | Andromeda XIV | XV Andromeda | Andromeda XVI | XVII Andromeda | Andromeda XVIII | Andromeda XX | Andromeda XXI | XXII Andromeda | Andromeda XXIII | XXIV Andromeda | Andromeda XXV | XXVI Andromeda | Andromeda XXVII | XXVIII Andromeda | Andromeda XXIX

  • Individual galaxy
  • Pisces ( constellation )
  • Principal Galaxies Catalogue
  • Galaxy in the Local Group