Roman Catholic Diocese of Sora-Aquino-Pontecorvo

The Diocese of Sora - Aquino - Pontecorvo (Latin: Dioecesis Soranus - Aquinatensis - Pontiscurvi, Italian: Diocese of Sora - Aquino - Pontecorvo ) is a located in Italy Roman Catholic diocese based in Sora.


The Diocese of Sora - Aquino - Pontecorvo was built in the 3rd century as the Diocese of Sora and the Holy See under the direct authority. The Diocese of Sora was attached the diocese Aquino and Pontecorvo by Pope Pius VII, with the Apostolic Constitution En utiliori on 27 June 1818.

On September 30, 1986, the Diocese of Aquino, Sora, and Pontecorvo renamed by the Congregation for Bishops with the decree Instantibus votis in Diocese of Sora - Aquino - Pontecorvo.
