São Francisco de Paula

São Francisco de Paula on the map of Rio Grande do Sul

São Francisco de Paula is a town with 22,262 inhabitants in the state of Rio Grande do Sul in southern Brazil. It is located about 110 km northeast of Porto Alegre. Adjacent are the places Monte Alegre dos Campos, Bom Jesus, Jaquirana, Cambará do Sul, Praia Grande Três Forquilhas, Itati, Maquiné, Riozinho, Rolante, Taquara, Três Coroas, Canela and Caxias do Sul. Originally São Francisco de Paula part of Munizips Taquara. In the large area contains the districts Rincão dos Kroeff, Tainhas, Lajeado Grande, Cazuza Ferreira, Jua and Eletra.

São Francisco de Paula is on the Rota Romântica with Canela, Gramado and Nova Petrópolis in the Região the Hortênsias. In the plateau meadows prevail, in the steep slopes in the Southeast Atlantic Forest with Araucaria trees and many waterfalls.
