
The Scheibenschlagen is a custom in Central Europe, in which are glowing wooden discs thrown by means of insertion of mountain slopes into the valley.


First attested in documents the Scheibenschlagen already in 1090. Through a beaten disc burning an outbuilding of the monastery of Lorsch was born on March 21, 1090 set on fire.


Center of the hot pursuit are the Swabian- Alemannic area, the South Tyrol and Vorarlberg Vinschgau nowadays. In Tyrol, where the custom was widespread in earlier times, he is actively exercised only in the area of ​​Landeck and the rear Virgental, has remained but preserved in many corridor designations ( Scheibschlagalm im Brixental, disc Unterbichl in Imst, etc.).

Particularly widespread is the custom in and around the southern part of the Upper Rhine Plain (Black Forest, the Breisgau, Basel region, Alsace ) and in Vorarlberg, parts of Western and South Tyrol and in the Grisons Oberland ( Breil ) and in the Chur Rhine Valley ( Untervaz ). The northernmost place where the Scheibenschlagen is operated today is active, the Kämpfelbacher Ersingen district in northern Baden. In addition, the Scheibenschlagen in Satu Mare Swabians in northern Romania is known.


The custom is held at Easter on the first Saturday in Lent or fast Sunday. This day bears, depending on the region, different names: Radio Sunday Holepfannsunntag, Kassunnti (cheese Sunday) Küachlisunntig, Küechlesonntag Alti carnival. An exception Bernau in the Black Forest, where up to eight disk fire the whole carnival week burn (except Ash Wednesday ). In the Elz Valley in the Black Forest and adjacent side valleys, the Scheibenschlagen traditionally takes place on Laetare Sunday.

Is organized by the Scheibenschlagen most of clubs, radio guilds, scouts or volunteer firefighters; in the Alemannic -speaking area location-wise traditionally by the confirmation of the vintage.

In Danis ( CH Graubünden) the custom is called Trer Schibettas (Romansh for Scheibenschlagen ). Here the Scheibenschlagen is organized by the so-called young men. All the boys from the 3rd class and all unmarried men from the village can participate in the Trer Schibettas. The saying at Scheibenschlagen is: Oh tgei Biala schibetta per la ... (name of a girl )! Translated: Oh what a beautiful wheel for ... (name )! When wayward discs eg: Oh tgei tgagiarar per il scolast called. In Untervaz ( CH Graubünden) the custom is only for boys and unmarried men and fathers with young boys; there shall be the name Schybaschlaha - that there common dialect word for Scheibenschlagen.

In Alsace, ie the custom Schieweschlawe; in some villages of the Alsatian -Swiss Leymentals he is also Reedlischwinge (small wheel vibrate ) called.

The place where the fire is lit and the discs are beaten, says in many places Scheibenbühel or disc rocks.


Not only the actual Scheibenschlagen, but also for gathering wood by young men, usually the respective recruits or the confirmation of the place was accompanied in some regions with rituals: In the Ortenau such as eg in Rammersweier this place now, in the middle of the 20th century with a cart through the village while singing in psalmodierendem sound:

( Waihe: cakes: flan; Saihe: Sailing; Stierli: Beige -operated; Fierli: Fire; geese: give; Serme: bundle of Rebholz; Well: bundle of sticks )

The event is usually initiated already in the late afternoon by meeting the inhabitants of the villages and consume hot drinks and regionally different pastries. In the Alemannic region it is also partly initiated traditional with a torchlight procession.


The Scheibenschlagen begins at dusk. Each disc is thrown with either a greeting of the racket to another person or with a small verse in the darkness. In some areas, the event is finished when all households have thrown their disk together with greeting and no more disks are available (which may take a very long time in some cases ). In times a Obervinschgau and environment " Hex" is on the same day a 12 m long tree trunk, called, wrapped with a crossbeam in the form of a cross with straw, placed outside of the village on a small hill and inflamed after dark.

Once you have exhausted all " slices" of the torchlight begins the village. Then the boys go to the girl home, where they served until the wee hours. In Danis about the young people return to the village and visit in small groups all the girls in the village.

Sayings when spinning the disc

Alemannic area: Schiebi, schiebo that Schieebe to go, the slide should suure, em [name of victim ] to d ' Schnuure. or: Schiebi, schiebo, whom should the slide go? The shift to em ... go. Goht it it, it shall be it. , That is, Scheibi, scheibo, the disc should go, the disk will whir, the [name of victim ] on the snout. or Scheibi, scheibo, for whom should go the disc? The disc should go for [ ... ]. Do not go it, so it does not apply. Schiebi Schiebi Deberle who sot the sliding Kære, flies se ned as se ned applies, so Kärt se no virgin ned. The sliding sod de ... ( women's names (if se flies well ) / in Raibur (if same flies on de ground ) ) kääää ... ( to se hits ) ... re.

Tirol: Dia Scheiba, Scheiba dia, dia will i iatz sea anchor, Melted in dr Pfonna, Kiachli in dr Wonna, Pfluag in dr EARD that dia Scheiba geat far aussi! ( Slice, slice, I now want to push you, lard in the pan, cake in the pan, plow in the earth, that the disc may well go out)

South Tyrol: Scheib, Scheib, weim Kearns ( part of ) dia Scheib? Dia Scheib Kearns in [Name]. Geat they guat, he 's hot guat, geat they last (bad), could nit ia drfir (I can not help it ). Sight glass, it wia Scheibele ausigeat ( beyond ) ...

Rammersweier in Offenburg: sliding ( disc ), sliding over de Rhin (Rhine) for when you want the slide sin? The slide is for sin ...

Malles Obervinschgau: Oh rhymes, rhymes, whom weard eppar dia Scheib be dia Scheib and my Kniascheib Kearn the Hanssmerl and Seffa ( Josepha ) for a guate Nocht that the bedstead Krocht ( crashes ). Geaht they guat, hobn si 's guat, sight glass, wia my Scheibele ausigeat (in different variations).

Schluderns in Obervinschgau: Oh rhymes, rhymes, fir whom weard because dia Scheib be? Dia Scheib and my Kniascheib dia should be Pforrer and Haiserin zua. Hot es it 's guat Tuat, it 's guat it, heck me and my Scheibele nit verribl hobn. Grain in the Wonn, Melted in the Pfonn, Pfluag Divide eart, sight glass wia my Scheibale aussi geat!

Untervaz: Dia Schiiba, Schiiba dia, dia ghört, dia ghört, dr [ girl's name ]! Hoit and dera is si!

Danis (Graubünden): Oh tgei Biala schibetta per la [ girl's name ]: " Oh what a beautiful plate for the ( girl's name )! " - When wayward discs against: Oh tgei tgagiarar per il scolast.

Haslach- Schnellingen: D ' Kiechlepfonn het a When starting, the slide that rolls de Rei nab. Who should the sliding Kære? or Schiebi push schiebo where no is the sliding no? Goht se ... net, it shall se net.


In the Alemannic region a simple trestle scaffold from a elevated at one end wooden board is traditionally used for knocking the disc from the disc insert, he calls himself disk Bock. When disc is a round or square wooden disc with a diameter or edge length of about 10 cm and a thickness of about 2 cm, typically made ​​of hard wood (beech ); center is pierced so that they can be strung for transport on a cord or a wire and put mainly on the stick. With this it is held to the fire and the embers until they themselves will be glowing. This glow is enhanced further by swinging the stick in front of the tee.

Production such as the name of the discs can also be a small scale differently. In Leimental be some (depending on the village - and that may be so different in the neighboring village ) carved with the brush thinners, others by train or draw knife pulled - or even turned on the lathe. Besides the name Schiibli ( slices ) they are also called Reedli (small wheel) - the custom is then called " Reedlischwinge ".
