Szczepanek, Opole Voivodeship

Szczepanek ( German Stephan Hain ) is a village in the municipality Strzelce ( United Strehlitz ) in the powiat Strzelecki in the Polish Opole Voivodeship. The village is part of the historical region of Upper Silesia.

  • 5.1 External links
  • 5.2 footnotes


Neighboring towns

Neighboring towns of Szczepanek are in the southwest Strzelce ( United Strehlitz ) and in the northeast sky wit ( Jemielnica ).


The colony Stephan Hain (then Stephanshayn ) was 1831st By 1945, the place was in the district of Great Strehlitz.

In 1945 the previously German place under Polish administration and the Silesian Voivodeship was connected and renamed June 28, 1948 in Szczepanek. In 1950, the city came to Opole Voivodeship. In 1960, the wooden church shot of Polish Neudorf ( Nowa Polska Wies ) was transferred to Szczepanek. In 1999 the place to re-founded powiat Strzelecki.


  • Shot wooden church from the years 1666-1668


  • German Friendship Circle

