
58.69916722.606944Koordinaten: 58 ° 42 'N, 22 ° 36' O

Tärkma is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Emmaste ( Emmaste vald ). It is the second largest Estonian island of Hiiumaa ( German Dagö ).

Description and History

Tärkma ( German Terkma ) currently has 21 inhabitants ( 31 December 2011). The place is located one kilometer south-east of the village Emmaste on the Baltic beach. Tärkma is located on Soela väin ( Sele - Sund ), the waterway between the island of Hiiumaa and Saaremaa ( Osel ).

1564 the servants Terckma was first mentioned. Before the foundation of the estate Emmaste end of the 18th century went from Tärkma from a boat connection largest Estonian island of Saaremaa. In winter, a path led seventeen kilometers long on the ice of the frozen Baltic Sea from Tärkma to the neighboring island.

Beginning of the 19th century was started during the continental blockade in Tärkma with the salt. The high prices at that time were worth promoting, even if the salinity of the Baltic Sea is low.

Victims oak

Tärkma is known today because of a more than 300 year old oak tree. It is also referred to as "victim - oak ", as residents and visitors to have offered up to the 20th century there offerings. In particular, on Thursday evening will be particularly large effect.

The tree is twelve feet high and has a circumference of five meters.
