
Tefnachte, also Tefnacht, was only prince of Sais, and then as the first pharaoh (king) of the founder of the 24th Dynasty ( Third Intermediate Period ).


His reign as a prince is to be set 740-727 BC, when Pharaoh 727-720 BC. In his eighth year as Pharaoh followed with his successor Bakenrenef the second and last pharaoh of the 24th dynasty to the throne.

Tefnachte is probably first mentioned in donation stelae from the 36th and 38th year of Sheshonk V.. He continuously expanded his power and laid claim to the title " Prince of Libu ". He was soon ruler of the entire West Delta and up to Memphis / Itaui. He was de facto more powerful than the pharaohs of the 22nd and 23rd dynasty. The further expansion to the south led to the confrontation with the Kushite ruler Piye.


IV On the advance of Tefnachte and some allied princes such as Osorkon, Auput II and Sheshonk south on the kingdom of Herakleopolis first beat Upper Egyptian troops of Piye back among the generals Pawerem and Rumersekeni. Namilt of Hermopolis, who appeared initially as the main enemy, ran over to Tefnachte according to the report of a stele. According to another opinion, he was from the beginning ally of Tefnachte.

Although the Kushite troops of Piye have experienced little success in the Battle of the Nile, in battles at Herakleopolis and Per- Pega and by taking three forts, but they failed to improve their poor situation critical. Finally Pije personally intervened in the action a besieged Hermopolis and forced the city to surrender. Namilt submitted to Piye and the siege of the ruled by Pajeftjauemauibastet Herakleopolis was terminated. Finally capitulated Persechemcheperre, Meidum and Itjaui. Memphis, whose garrison consisted of 8,000 soldiers and the Tefnachte remains loyal to, still resisted, but was conquered by the troops of Piye. As a result, now Auput II of Leontopolis, Iukanesch of Sebennytos, Padiiset of Athribis / Heliopolis and Osorkon IV of Tanis submitted / Bubastis, a dozen other regents submitted in Athribis.

Who had assumed the title of king until after the campaign Pijes - - After a revolt of the city Mesed / Mostai was knocked down (north of Athribis ), also Tefnachte subdued, but remained conspicuously absent from Sais and was inspired by the Messenger of Piye allegiance and Tribute decrease. After the last enemy cities Hat Sobek / Crocodilopolis and Atfih had given up, visited the four kings Auput II, Osorkon IV, Namilt and Pajeftauemauibastet the Kuschitenherrscher Piye. However, this would only recognize Namilt as ritually "clean ", because the others were uncircumcised and in his eyes " fish eaters". Therefore Pije let him alone in his palace before he returned with the tributes after Napata.

Review of research

According to Dieter Kessler was the struggle between Pije and Tefnachte " that in no way rival from the outset planned result of disputes small states ," the conquest of Egypt did so arise only in the course of the campaign. Usually, the conquest of Egypt by the Kushite rulers but seen as a result of a scheduled power politics.


After the withdrawal of Piye after Napata Tefnachte can consolidate his rule and assumes a royal titulary:

  • Horus name: With verständigem heart
  • Gold Name: Gold Hawk
  • Throne name: Schepses - Re ( The Blessed One, a re )

The throne name is mentioned on a donation stele in Athens with the 8th year of reign.

Mention in the Bible

Most likely is the note of the Old Testament (2 Kings 17:4), after Hoshea of Israel to help send " to So, king of Egypt " to refer to Tefnachte. Kenneth A. Kitchen Favors contrast, Osorkon IV
