Three-level pylon

The three-level arrangement is an arrangement of the conductors of a transmission line in three levels. For masts of two three-phase circuits with a total of six conductor cables fir masts and booms tons are common. Poles with three-level arrangement of conductor cables are higher than other comparable high-voltage masts, but require only a small line width.

The respective three conductors of a three-phase system are usually attached to one side of the mast shaft.

By function: Pylon | Abspannmast | Far Abspannmast | Verdrillmast | Junction mast | credits Portal | finishers | Pole transformer | Pole isolator

By Material: Wooden Mast | concrete poles | steel tube mast | lattice boom

On the arrangement of conductors: Portal Mast | Delta mast | A Bene mast | Danube mast | three-level pole | tons Mast | fir mast

According to site: roof rack | intersection mast

By purpose: Rail power pole | Catenary Mast | Hybrid mast | Telephone Pole | telegraph pole

  • Overhead line technology