Tom Wilkes

Tom Wilkes ( born July 30, 1939 in Long Beach, † 28 June, 2009 Pioneertown ) was an American designer and photographer.

Tom Wilkes studied in the 1950s and 1960s at Long Beach City College, University of California, Los Angeles, and the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena. He has produced his first major performance as an art director at the Monterey Pop Festival in 1967 and held the same position also 1971 at the Concert for Bangladesh. However, its importance for the history of music he had as a designer of various album covers, including for albums, wrote the history of music in the first place. So he showed up just as responsible as for Neil Young's Harvest for the cover of the Red and Blue album the Beatles. There were also cover work for the Rolling Stones, Janis Joplin and Eric Clapton, as well as the publication of the Concert for Bangladesh. He was inter alia Photographer, Art Director, Graphic and Logo Designer, Illustrator and Konzeptionator. Wilkes was not set on a particular style; next cover in the area of ​​rock and pop music, he also created a lot of cover in the area of ​​Countrys and classical music, but also for comedians such as George Carlin and Cheech & Chong. With his ideas he coined the design, the album art sustainable. For the cover to Tommy Performed by the London Symphony Orchestra and Chamber Choir with Guest Soloists Wilkes was honored in 1973 with a Grammy.

Participation in album art
