Ústí (Přerov District)

Ústí ( German Munden ) is a municipality in the Czech Republic. It is located five kilometers south-east of Hranice and belongs to Okres Přerov.


Ústí is situated on the left side of the Bečva creek at the mouth of Opatovický. To the northwest lie the White kirchener Karst Zbraschauer the aragonite and the White kirchener abyss.

Neighboring towns are Černotín in the north, Kamenec in the northeast, Skalička in the east, Dolni Těšice and Horni Těšice the southeast, Malhotice in the south, Opatovice the southwest, Valšovice in the west and Zbrašov in the northwest.


The first mention of Oustí was in 1389, when the village was owned by the family of the Hrabiš of Podolí. 1407 Oustí became part of the dominion Helfenstein. The place came to power in 1553 Moravian white churches and belonged to repealing patrimonial regimes in 1848, the Dietrich Steinem.

1707 was on the episcopal Gutsfluren the settlement Manina or Novosady, which was incorporated in 1934 to Ústí. Ústí was incorporated into Skalička 1976 and again since 1990, forms a separate municipality. In 2003, Ústí winner of the competition " Village of the Year " in the Olomouc Region and reached nationwide third place.

Community structure

For the community Ústí no districts are reported. To Ústí heard the local situation Nové Sady.


  • Church of St. Peter and Paul, consecrated in 1947
  • Statue of the Virgin Mary, built in 1791