
Yuncheng (运 城市, Yuncheng Shì ) is a city in southern China's Shanxi province. It is bordered by the cities of Jincheng and Linfen in the east and north and the provinces of Shaanxi and Henan to the west and south.

Administrative Divisions

The prefecture-level city of Yuncheng is made at the county level from a city district, two county boroughs and ten circles. These are:

  • Municipality Yanhu -盐湖区Yanhu Qū;
  • City Yongji -永济 市Yǒngjì Shì;
  • City Hejin -河津 市Hejin Shì;
  • Circle Ruicheng -芮城 县RUICHENG Xiàn;
  • District Linyi - Linyi临猗县Xiàn;
  • Circle Wanrong -万荣 县Wanrong Xiàn;
  • Circle Xinjiang -新 绛县Xinjiang Xiàn;
  • Jishan county -稷山 县Jishan Xiàn;
  • Circle Wenxi -闻喜县Wénxǐ Xiàn;
  • Circle Xia -夏县Xia Xiàn;
  • Circle Jiang -绛县Jiang Xiàn;
  • Circle Pinglu -平 陆 县Pinglu Xiàn;
  • Circle Yuanqu -垣曲 县Yuánqǔ Xiàn.