18th Army (German Empire)

As 18th armies / army high command 18 (AOK 18), a large association and the associated command authority of the German Army during the First World War ( 1914-1918) was called. It included several Army or Reserve Corps and numerous special troops.


  • Infantry General Oskar von Hutier (from December 27, 1917 )
  • Major-General Traugott of Sauberzweig (from December 22, 1917 )
  • Lieutenant Colonel Kirch ( from 20 June 1918)
  • Lieutenant Colonel Bürckner (from August 7, 1918 )

In 1918, the Supreme Command gathered many troops for the planned spring offensive (Operation " Michael" ) on the Western Front. In addition to strengthening the armies which were already in the front, two new armies, the 17th and the 18th Army, gathered. The troops of the 18th Army rallied from January 1918 in the area around St. Quentin. The new Army High Command 18 emerged from the former Supreme Command of the Army Group Woyrsch on December 27, 1917. Commander in chief of the new army was Infantry General Oskar von Hutier.

When starting on March 21, 1918 offensive, the 18th Army was formed together with the 7th Army attack the left wing. The German offensive ended after initial successes in July 1918. Too, then remained the army on the Western Front. The headquarters of the Army High Command was almost continuously in Leschelle, up to the time from May 9 to August 27, 1918, in which it was staying in Auroir. On the retreat after the Armistice the headquarters was set up in Biedenkopf from 2 December 1918.


→ Main article: Army ( German Empire )
