7th Army (German Empire)

As a 7th Army / Army High Command 7 (AOK 7) was designated a major formation and the associated command authority of the German Army during the First World War ( 1914-1918). It included several Army or Reserve Corps and numerous special troops.


  • Colonel General Josias von Heeringen ( from 2 August 1914)
  • Artillery General Richard Schubert (from August 28, 1916 )
  • Infantry General Max von Boehn ( 11 March 1917)
  • Infantry General Magnus von Eberhardt ( August 6 1918)
  • Colonel-General Max von Boehn ( from 31st October 1918)
  • Lieutenant General Karl Heinrich von Hänisch ( from 2 August 1914)
  • Colonel Gerhard Tappen, representing ( 11 March 1915)
  • Colonel Rudolf von Borries ( from 28 March 1915)
  • Lieutenant Colonel Walther Reinhardt ( from 15 February 1917)
  • Lieutenant Colonel Richard of Pawelsz ( 3 November 1918)

The army was drawn up at the beginning of the German mobilization on 2 August 1914 from the Fifth Army inspection and contracted in the Strasbourg area. However, the Army High Command met ( situated in Karlsruhe) after a few days, and as the troops of the 7th Army had the Army High Command 6 in the first days of the war command, such as during the Battle of Mulhouse. Even after the arrival of the Army High Command 7, the 7th Army remained until September 1914 subject to the directions of the 6th Army to ensure a consistent approach of the neighboring armies in battle in Lorraine ( 21-22. August 1914 ).

The army comprised in August 1914 following Corps Associations:

  • XIV Corps
  • XV. Army Corps
  • XIV Reserve Corps

In the course of the race to the sea most of the associations of the 7th Army and finally the Army High Command on September 7, 1914, moved to the middle of the German Western Front. There it remained until 1918 when numerous defensive battles, such as the Battle of the Aisne 1917, in use. Those left behind in Alsace associations were called " Army Detachment Gaede " or " Army Detachment B".

As of September 13, 1914, the headquarters of the army at Laon and then from 14 March 1917 in Marle was located. Although it returned on June 2, 1918 back to Laon, but then moved often the location. After the retreat of the army high command was 7 dissolved in Marburg.

