49 BC

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Heads of State

Year of The Water Monkey壬申( at the beginning of the year metal sheep辛未)

Syria: 263/264


Cursus Honorum

  • Gaius Claudius Marcellus and Lentulus Crus are consuls Lucius Cornelius the Roman Empire.
  • Mark Antony is a tribune of the Roman Republic, together with Lucius Caecilius Metellus, Gaius Cassius Longinus, Quintus Cassius Longinus and Lucius Marcius Philippus.
  • Marcus Aemilius Lepidus is praetor. In this capacity he initiated which is made in this year appointment to the dictator Caesar.

Roman Civil War

  • January 7: The Roman Senate rejects Gaius Julius Caesar's proposal for a simultaneous release of his army and on Pompey Pompey and commissioned with the defense of Rome.
  • January 10: " Alea iacta est ": Gaius Julius Caesar exceeds the Rubicon, thus triggering the civil war against Pompey from.
  • April 23: The Optimates stretching from Sicily to Africa back. Caesars general Gaius Curio Scribonius lands on the island.
  • August: Curio lands in Africa and wins there some minor victories, but suffered a crushing defeat at the Battle of Bagradas.


  • August: Gaius Curio Scribonius, Roman politician and military commander ( * 90 BC)
  • Aristobulus II, the Jewish king (c. 100 BC)
  • Alexander, son of Aristobulus (c. 80 BC)
  • Han Xuandi, Chinese emperor of the Western Han Dynasty ( 91 BC * )
  • Marcus Licinius Crassus, Roman politician (* probably before 85 BC)
  • Marcus Perperna, Roman politician (c. 147 BC)