AGM-136 Tacit Rainbow

The AGM -136 Tacit Rainbow was a project initiated by the U.S. Air Force project of the company Northrop Grumman for an intelligent drone that should be used against ground based radar defense. The drone should be started either from a carrier aircraft from the air or from the ground ( MLRS rocket launcher ) from to then fly by means of stored coordinates and a navigation system independently in the given target area. Once in the target area, the AGM -136 should wait on enemy radar emissions and attack the radar source and destroy it. The tactic of turning off the radars would be ineffective, because the drone would as long fly over the target area to the radar source is located again. This air defense could be suppressed in the area for some time. For budgetary reasons, and due to poor performance of Northrop, the program was discontinued in 1991.
