Bernard of Corleone

Bernardo da Corleone (* February 6, 1605 in Corleone, Sicily, † January 12, 1667 in Palermo ) was an Italian Capuchin and is a saint of the Catholic Church.

He was born in Corleone Filippo Latino and first learned from his father Leonardo shoemaking. The boy had a tendency to get involved in brawls, and in particular he was ready to draw his sword, even at low provocations. When he was nineteen, he injured a stranger hard with the sword. This stranger but he was a friend. Influenced by this experience ( 1624), he turned more and more to the religion. On 13 December, he eventually joined as a novice under the name Bernardo the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin.

He emigrated first from a monastery of his order to the other. He came to Bisacquino, Bivona, Castelvetrano, Burgio, Partinico, Agrigento, Chiusa, Caltabellotta, Polizzi, Salemi and Monreale. The last fifteen years of his life he spent in Palermo. Within the Order, he worked in a variety of work of the monastery everyday life, in particular, he took care of the sick. In addition, he noticed through intense prayer and through penitential spirit and asceticism. He is said to have been effected during his lifetime by his intercession unexplained healings.

Blessed spoken he was on 5 May in 1768. On 10 June 2001 Pope John Paul II said it holy. His feast day is 12 January.

Pictures of Bernard of Corleone
