Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park

The Bogani - Nani - Wartabone National Park is located on the Minahassa Peninsula on the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia and is 2871 km ². The national park was founded in 1991 and was formerly known under the name Dumoga Bone National Park. It was renamed in honor of Nani Wartabone, a local resistance fighters of World War II.

The park was classified by the Wildlife Conservation Society as the most important location for the conservation of wild animals in Sulawesi. It is home to a large number of endemic species occurring. Among the rarest animals in the park include, inter alia, the Anoa, a very small jungle ox.

The reserve also hammer chicken, Hirscheber and the Sulawesi warty occur. The park is threatened by uncontrolled deforestation, poaching and illegal gold mining.
