Buch bei Frauenfeld

Book at Frauenfeld was from 1803 to 1995 a local municipality in the canton of Thurgau in Switzerland. Her name was until 1953 when Uesslingen book and was part of the Munizipalgemeinde Uesslingen with local congregations book in Frauenfeld, Uesslingen and Warth. With the Thurgau municipality reform book at Frauenfeld and Uesslingen 1995 were merged to form the new municipality Uesslingen book.

Large forest areas allow long walks. In the three small lakes ( " Hasensee " Nussbaumersee and Hüttwilemersee ) that can swim are very close to the village. Another attraction is the ruins Help Mountain, which is located on the way to " Hüttwilämärsee ". In the village itself there are the restaurant deer and the only grocery store of book, which is owned by the civic community of book.
