Cephalanthera rubra

Red helleborine ( Cephalanthera rubra)

The Red helleborine ( Cephalanthera rubra), also purple helleborine, is a species of the genus helleborine ( Cephalanthera ) in the orchid family ( Orchideaceae ) and is one of the most striking orchids our regions. She was elected to the flower of the year 1982.

  • 5.1 dissemination
  • 5.2 Conservation and hazard
  • 8.1 Literature
  • 8.2 documents
  • 8.3 See also
  • 8.4 External links


The type Cephalanthera rubra was erected in 1817 by the French botanist Professor Louis Claude Marie Richard. The name comes from the Greek κεφαλή cephalae = head, ανθηρός antheros = blooming together and the Latin ruber = red, pointing out that the anther of the Columna sits like a head. The German name Red helleborine, helleborine also Red, Purple or Red helleborine forest lily, refers to the shape and color of the flower shape.


Habitus and sheets

The Red helleborine is a perennial, herbaceous plant that reaches an average plant height of 20 to 70 centimeters. This Geophyt creating powerful, short, creeping rhizomes and downward as outlasting that are usually branched and contribute by adventitious for tufting plant.

The delicate, slightly curved grown stem is hairy and glabrous in the upper part densely glandular in the lower part. At the bottom of the stem to shed some leaves emerge. The two to eight narrow, lanceolate to linear- lanceolate leaves are 5-14 inches long and 1-3 inches wide and are used for inflorescence smaller towards. The bracts are smaller toward the stem tip.

Inflorescence and flowers

The loose inflorescence, a spike is elongated and consists of a few to about 20 flowers. The pink -red to almost purple, and rarely white flowers are up to 5 inches tall. The bare, 15 to 20 mm long and 7-10 mm wide petals ( petals ) are oval - lanceolate. The sepals ( sepals ) are oblong - lanceolate, 16-23 mm long, 6-7 mm wide, hairy outside. The 15 to 20 millimeters long lip ( labellum ) has no spur, but the rear part of a reminiscent of a bag Ausstülpüng. It is bipartite and the front of triangular pointed with a purple rim and crimped yellow strips. The ovary is short, erect and hairy, and is usually dominated by the glandular bracts.

The flowering period begins in late May and extends until the end of July, occasionally to early August. The main flowering period is mid-June to early July. The fruit ripening period starts from October.

Genetics and Development

The Red helleborine has a karyotype of two sets of chromosomes and each chromosome 18 ( Cytology: 2n = 36).

The seed of this orchid contains no nutritive tissue for the seedling. Therefore Germination occurs only when infected by a root fungus ( mycorrhiza ). The period from germination to the development of flowerable plant has not yet been adequately defined.

Varieties and hybrids

Subspecies are not aware of this kind.

As variety are very rare plant with pure white blossoms on:

  • Cephalanthera rubra var alba

Very rarely arise hybrids with other Cephalanthera - Types:

  • Cephalanthera × mayeri ( Zimm. ) Cam. 1929 ( Cephalanthera rubra × Cephalanthera damasonium )
  • Cephalanthera × otto- hechtii Keller 1930 ( Cephalanthera rubra × Cephalanthera longifolia)


The Red helleborine preferably clear, dry deciduous forests rare to find (especially beech forests ), pine and spruce forests, forest edges and thickets to 2600 meters and is on semi-arid grassland. It loves calcareous soils with a pH from 5.9 to 8.2; but also comes on sand and clay soils before (eg, in Rhineland -Palatinate). How intense is the color of the flowers is pronounced, is strongly influenced by the calcium content of the soil. The calcareous the surface is, the stronger colors are emerging.

The Red helleborine is found in plant communities: V - Cephalanthero Fagion, V Cytiso ruthenici - Pinion, V Erico - Pinion ( see breakdown: Phytosociological units according to Oberdorfer ).


The area of ​​distribution of the Red Waldvögleins stretching from North Africa to Europe to the Crimea and the Caucasus. It is classified in its distribution as subatlantisch -central European. After the orchids watchers Karl Peter Buttler it is a Florenelement the meridional / montane, submeridionalen and temperate zone Flore.

In Germany the Red helleborine in the states of Baden -Württemberg, Bavaria, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hesse, Mecklenburg -Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony, North Rhine -Westphalia, Rhineland -Palatinate, Saarland, Saxony -Anhalt and Thuringia is encountered.

Nature protection and hazard

Like all orchid species occurring in Europe is also the Red helleborine under strict protection of European and national laws.

  • Red Lists
  • Red List of Germany: 3
  • Red List states: Baden- Württemberg: V, Bavaria: *, Berlin: 1, Brandenburg: 2, Bremen: 2, Hamburg: -, Hesse: 3, Mecklenburg- Vorpommern: 2, Lower Saxony: 2, North Rhine -Westphalia: 3, Rhineland -Palatinate: 3, Saarland: 2, Saxony- Anhalt: 2 axes: 0, Schleswig -Holstein: - Thuringia: *.
  • Red List of Switzerland: LC (Least Concern - not at risk )
  • Red List Austria: endangered in the northern and south-eastern foothills of the Alps and the Pannonian area, nationwide not compromised.

Inventory develop Ling in Germany is declining. There are only scattered occurrences with small populations. It was found that fertility decreases with increasingly unfavorable light conditions. This applies especially to locations in bushes and deciduous forests. Regulatory measures are recommended here for grandfathering. Basically it should be in the context of infrastructure construction work on the conservation of forest edges.

The Working Group Home made orchids ( AHO) in Germany, who has made in all provinces the protection, care, measures of habitats, mapping and scientific supervision of the local orchid flora mission, chose the Red helleborine ( Cephalanthera rubra ) for "Orchid of the Year" 2000 because the bluefin Waldvögleins in Germany in the last 100 years show above-average decline trends. The decisive factor for this is the change in use of habitats of this attractive plant monocultures.


The valid scientific name of the red helleborine is: Cephalanthera rubra (L.) LCM Richard 1817

The description of the Basionyms serapias rubra L. comes from Carl Linnaeus in 1767.

Other botanists have described the Red helleborine; following species names are now run as synonyms:

  • Serapias rubra L. 1767
  • Epipactis rubra (L.) F.W.Schmidt 1795
  • Cymbidium rubrum (L.) Sw. 1799
  • Helleborine rubra (L. ) Cabinet 1814
  • Limodorum rubrum (L.) Kuntze 1891


Cephalanthera rubra Habitat

Cephalanthera rubra Habitat

Cephalanthera rubra blooming

Cephalanthera rubra inflorescence

Cephalanthera rubra flowers

Cephalanthera rubra flowers

Cephalanthera rubra, Thasos, Greece

