Dean Barkley

Dean M. Barkley ( born August 31, 1950 in Annandale, Minnesota ) is an American politician and member of the Independence Party of Minnesota. Barkley was 2002 Senator for Minnesota, after the death of Paul Wellstone and held that office until 2003.

Barkley attended the University of Minnesota, where he received his Bachelor of Science in 1972 and 1976, his Juris Doctor. For the Reform Party of Minnesota Independence Party of Minnesota later, in 1992, he ran for a seat in the House of Representatives of the United States, as well as 1994 and 1996 for a seat in the Senate of the United States. After the death of Paul Wellstone Barkley was appointed on 4 November 2002 by Gov. Jesse Ventura as a member of the Senate to fill the vacant seat of Wellstone and was dated 5 November 2002 to the end of the regular term of office on January 3, 2003 Office.

Barkley ran again in 2008, as a candidate of the Minnesota Independence Party, for the Senate against Republican incumbent Norm Coleman and Democrat Al Franken, a well-known in the U.S. comedian and radio host. Barkley received 15.15% of votes behind Coleman with 41.983 % and 41.994 % francs.

