

Huai'an (Chinese淮安 市, pinyin Huai'an shì ) is a prefecture-level city with over 5.24 million inhabitants ( end of 2004) in the Chinese province of Jiangsu. It is the place of origin of former Prime Minister of the People's Republic of China, Zhou Enlai, and the novelist Wu Cheng'en. Just north of Huai'an connects the city Suqian.

Administrative Divisions

At county level, Huai'an is made up of four city districts and four counties. These are:

  • City Qingpu District -清浦 区Qīngpǔ Qū;
  • Huai'an City District -楚州 区Huai'an Qū;
  • City Huaiyin District -淮阴 区Huaiyin Qū;
  • Circle jinhu -金湖 县jinhu Xiàn;
  • Circle Xuyi -盱眙县Xuyi Xiàn;
  • Hongze county -洪泽 县Hongze Xiàn;
  • Lianshui County -涟水 县Liánshuǐ Xiàn.