
Kärsämäki [ Kärsämäki ] is a municipality with 2763 inhabitants ( 31 December 2012) in Finland. It is located about 120 km southeast of the city of Oulu in Northern Ostrobothnia landscape.

In addition to the Kirchdorf Kärsämäki the municipality includes the towns of Hautajoki, Miiluranta, Ojalehto - Alajoki, Porkkala, Rannankylä, Saviselkä, Sydänmaankylä and Venetpalo. Kärsämäki is a major transportation hub in Northern Finland: Here the state roads cross 4 (Helsinki - Oulu) and 28 ( Kajaani Kokkola ), also begins the main street here 58 Keuruu. The largest employers are the community, the agriculture and forestry as well as the factory of the furniture manufacturer in Cap Furnitures.

The wooden church built in 1842 was designed Kärsämäki following after a drawing by Carl Ludwig Engel. A modern, clad in clapboard planks Summer Church ( Paanukirkko ) was built in 2004.

Steeple of Paanukirkko
