Kizilsu Kirghiz Autonomous Prefecture

The Kyrgyz Autonomous District Kizilsu (克孜勒苏 柯尔克孜 自治州Kezilesu Ke'erkezi zizhizhou; Kizilsu: Kyrgyz for " red water " ) is located in the southwest of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in the PRC. Its capital is Atux (阿图什 市). Kizilsu has an area of ​​69,112 km ². The Autonomous County are subject to the District level city ( Atux ) and three circles.

At the census in 2000 had 439 688 inhabitants Kizilsu ( population density. 6.36 inhab / km ²).

Administrative Divisions

At county level, Kizilsu is composed of an independent city and three circles. These are:

  • City Artux -阿图什 市Atushi Shì;
  • Circle actuators -阿克陶 县Ākètáo Xiàn;
  • Circle Akqi -阿 合 奇 县Āhéqí Xiàn;
  • Circle Ulugqat -乌恰 县Wuqia Xiàn.

Ethnic structure of the population ( 2000)
