Kostelní Lhota

Kostelní Lhota ( German Kostelni Lhota, 1939-45 Kirchenlhota ) is a municipality in the Czech Republic. It is located seven kilometers west of Poděbrady and belongs to fulltext your real estates.


Kostelní Lhota is located between the rivers Šembera and Výrovka and the same on the Bohemian panel. South leads past the D11/Europastraße 67 highway. In the west, the railway runs from Prague to Nymburk.

Neighboring towns are Hořátev in the north, Polabec in the northeast, Písková Lhota in the east, in the southeast Vrbová Lhota, Pecky and Velké Chvalovice in the south, and Milčice Kačín in the southwest, and Třebestovice Sadská in the west and Zvěřínek in the northwest.


After Boček I of Podiebrad had acquired in 1351 by marriage the rule Poděbrady, he began the settlement of the impassable swamp land on the Výrovka. In 1354 he founded the settlement Lhota and built a church.

After the abolition of patrimonial Kostelní Lhota made ​​from 1850 onwards a municipality in the district Poděbrady. 1876, the church was renovated. On March 2nd and 3rd 1912 stayed Archduke Charles and his wife Zita on the trip to the garrison Stara Boleslav as a guest of the priest František Wolf. In 1942, the new local school was built. Since 1961, the church belongs to fulltext your real estates.


  • Church of the Assumption, built in 1354


Sons and daughters of the town

  • Josef Musil ( born 1932 ), volleyball player and an honorary citizen in 2004.
  • Stanislav Vopasek (1935-2006), Czech mining historian

Lived in the community and had

  • Ota Hofman, the writer grew up in Kostelní Lhota and attended school. He was very active in the village, with its support of the local volleyball club was refounded.