
Maamme ( Finnish) or Vårt country ( Swedish) ( "Our Land" ) is the national anthem of Finland.

It was composed by Fredrik Pacius; the original Swedish text is by Runeberg, and was originally written as a prologue to the seal ensign steel. The first performance took place on 13 May 1848. The Finnish paraphrase of the text was created in 1889 by Paavo Cajander. On official occasions usually only the first and the last verse sung.

The same melody ( since independence again in 1990 ) is also used in Estonia as the national anthem sung with the text Mu isamaa ( " My Fatherland" ). The Livs use the melody for her hymns Min izāmō.

The autonomous Åland islands has its own national anthem, Ålänningens sång ( "Song of the Åländers ").




German translation

1st and 11th verse ( by Benny Benz)
