
Macaé on the map of Brazil

Macaé is a city and at the same district ( municipality ) in the state of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. With an area of ​​1215.904 km ² and around 160,000 inhabitants Macaé is a city of great economic importance. Specifically, after the Bay of Bacia de Campos was found and built the largest Brazilian oil field. Macaé owning a seaport. From here, the oil fields that lie off the coast in the Atlantic Ocean are supplied.

The road links running mainly along the coast from the village of Rio das Ostras coming and there is also a railway connection. This railway connects the State of Rio de Janeiro with the state of Espírito Santo, and is used solely for the transport of goods.


Before the arrival of the Portuguese conquerors in 1580, this territory of two indigenous peoples settled the Tamoios and Goitacás.

The first evidence of settlement by Jesuit in Macaé go back to the year 1634 and were on the river Rio Macaé and called themselves Fazenda de Macaé ou Fazenda do Sant'Anna. Apart from sugar cane that was grown here from the beginning, we produced cassava flour and it was recovered wood that was used for shipbuilding and later, coffee plantations settled. In 1759 the ranch was transferred by the administrator João Cardoso de Menezes at the hands of the Portuguese crown. At this time the Jesuits were expelled from Brazil at the instigation of Sebastião José de Carvalho e Mello, Marques de Pombal.

In 1813 the district of Macaé (Municipio ) was appointed and in 1846 the town received its charter in Macaé. Since the former port of São João da could Barra no longer meet the volume of cargo in 1872 started the build Campos - Macaé channel on the with a total length of 109 km then sugar products and coffee were transported from the hinterland to the coast.

In 1875 we started with the Konstruktier the railway line Macaé - Campos, and after the completion of the harbor was unimportant and fell into disrepair. The railway brought both new impulses and later was added the line of Estrada de Ferro Leopoldina.

With the discovery of oil in 1974, went through the region, which almost exclusively lived from agriculture until then, a radical change. The population structure of Macaé changed and now live there, many domestic and foreign experts of this sector. This had a great impact on the local economy, prices and wages. In 2004, the city received the title from the Fundação Getúlio Vargas, the most dynamic city in Brazil with a view to working life to be. In particular, in regard to children kindness and social institutions, this place is now exemplary.


Despite, or perhaps because of the economic activities in the area of ​​petroleum, the tourist value of the city and the district has increased with its numerous beaches. Tourist attractions include, without limitation:

  • The river Rio Macaé which goes through the village. It rises in the Serra de Macaé. The source is located on the county line to the neighboring district of Lumiar. A portion of the river is still navigable and passes through the town Macaé.
  • The mountain Pico do Frade is the highest point of the district with 1,429 meters and is located about 56 km from the place Macaé away. Here there are opportunities for guided walks. Requests must be made at the Tourist center of the city.
  • Peito do Pombo is also a mountain with 1120 meters of altitude. Here is a pristine environment with hidden waterfalls and small streams.
  • The Lake of Imboassica applies as an ecological reserve. There is an offer for leisure and the observation of nature. The lake is located on the county line to Rio das Ostras and is approx 11.5 KM away from Macaé.
  • The beach - Praia do Pecado. Along with the ideal surfing a lot of fishing is done in this region. The beach is located near the lake of Imboassica.
  • The beach - Praia dos Cavaleiros. This is about a point lying in the urban area beach that has significance for the leisure of the place Macaé.
  • The beach - Praia Campista. This beach is also located close to the urban area but is located on the open sea and is more used for fishing and fishing.
  • The beach - Prainha do Farol has only one extension length 120. Are the ruins of the old lighthouse of Macaé, which was built in 1880 On this beach.
  • The beach - Praia de Imbetiba. Here is now the terminal of Imbetiba, which is used as a port for the supply of the oil industry.
  • The beach - Praia de São José do Barreto. This beach extends to the national park Parque Nacional da Restinga de Jurubatiba into it.
  • The lake Jurubatiba is one of the lakes, the Parque Nacional da Restinga de Jurubatiba account.
  • The archipelago of Sant'Anna consists of several islands, which call themselves Francês, Ilhote Sul and Sant'Anna. The islands are located about 8 KM from the mainland and can be reached from the center of Macaé by boat. There is a high recreational value and opportunities for fishing and fishing. Also, here make various species of birds on their flights hiking break.
  • The place Cabeceira do Sana belongs to the district of Macaé and is known for its forests and waterfalls. There are several campgrounds and on the rivers rafting is possible.
  • The Church - Igreja de Sant'Anna has already been built by the Jesuits in 1630.
  • The Fort Marechal Hermes was built in 1761 to the coastal region to defend against attackers.

