NUTS of Portugal

As NUTS: PT or NUTS regions in Portugal is called the territorial division of Portugal follow the European " Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS)".


In Portugal, the three NUTS and two LAU levels are assigned as follows:

  • NUTS -1: 3 - Continente ( mainland Portugal ) regiões car omas (Azores, Madeira)
  • NUTS 2: 5-3 Comissaoes de Coordenaçao regional ( regional coordination committees) regiões car omas
  • NUTS 3: 28 Grupos de Concelhos (groups of municipalities)
  • LAU -1: 308 Concelhos - Municipalities ( local government associations and urban communities )
  • LAU -2: 4260 Freguesias (municipalities)

List of NUTS regions in Portugal
