
58.93522.3425Koordinaten: 58 ° 56 'N, 22 ° 21' O

Poama is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Kõrgessaare ( Kõrgessaare vald ). It is the second largest Estonian island of Hiiumaa ( German Dagö ).

Description and History

Poama has eight inhabitants ( 31 December 2011).

The town lies in the northeast of the peninsula Kõpu ( Kõpu pool saar ), on the Baltic coast. The distance to the island's capital Kärdla is 24 kilometers.

East of Poama flows gleichmamige Bach ( Poama oja ), the ( Laht Luidja ) in the Bay of Luidja opens. North of the village is the Poama Lake ( Poama järv ). It has an area of about eight hectares. The lake is separated only by a narrow strip of land from the Baltic Sea.
