Pope Pius X

Pius X ( Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto, born June 2, 1835 in Giant, Lombardy-Venetia, † August 20, 1914 in Rome) was from 1903 to 1914 Pope of the Roman Catholic Church and was of Pius XII. Canonized in 1954. Pius X was referred to as " conservative reform Pope." Except Pius IX. is the only Pope Pius X in the 19th and 20th centuries, who finished his education without doctoral degrees and the first pope since the high Middle Ages, who began his career as a country parson.


Was born Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto Pius X as in giant, politically belongs to the province of Veneto, church is subordinate to the Bishop of Treviso, and until 1866 was under Austrian rule. After two years of primary school in giant he was sent to the grammar school to Castelfranco Veneto. In 1850 he entered the seminary at Padua, and received in 1858 by Bishop Giovanni Antonio Farina, the sacrament of Holy Orders. As a chaplain, he worked in Tombolo (Veneto ), in 1867 he was pastor of Salzano. In 1875 he was canon of Treviso, 1884 Bishop of Mantua, 1893 Archbishop and Patriarch of Venice and almost simultaneously cardinal priest with the titular church of San Bernardo alle Terme.


After a four-day conclave he was on August 4, 1903 seventh round as the successor of Pope Leo XIII. selected. At the beginning of the conclave the Cardinal Secretary of State Mariano Rampolla del Tindaro had been regarded as the most promising candidate. Indeed, Cardinal Rampolla received in the first three rounds of voting and in each case the most votes, but not a sufficient majority. After the second round of Emperor Franz Joseph I made ​​use of its right of exclusive use and allowed by the Bishop of Krakow, Cardinal de January Puzyna Kosielsko explain an Austrian veto against any choice Rampollas. However, whether Cardinal Sarto was indeed the reason for the later choice, is anyone's guess. After he was elected, he took the name Pius, the last of the dogma of infallibility Pope, Pius IX. , Had worn. The coronation took place on 9 August in 1903 in St. Peter's Basilica by Cardinal deacon Luigi Macchi instead.

Pius X began his reform papacy with the Motu Proprio Tra le sollecitudini a rising standard of church music. In it he wrote, among other things, the right to use alone unneutered boys the cast of soprano and alto voices, and thus virtually forbade the employment of castrati in church choirs and thus also in the Sistine choir. This definitive ban deprived the castration practice to promote a singing career, the last base.

Furthermore, Pius X reformed the Roman Curia, was devoted to catechesis and seminaries and initiated a reform legislation. Will be remembered Pius X, especially as the Pope who condemned modernism in several publications, including 1907 in the decree of the Holy Office Lamentabili and in the encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis. This encyclical was received very differently from country to country. In Germany they took their opponents as a polemic against Kant's philosophy, which wanted to prevent Luther and all Protestants would find their way into the Catholic Church. In 1910 he introduced anti-modernist oath was only in 1967 replaced by a creed.

Pius X was a great patron of Catholic Action. In his complaint to the Italian bishops encyclical Il Fermo proposito of 11 June 1905 on the creation and promotion of the Catholic Action of June 11, 1905 and in the Apostolic Letter Notre Charge Apostolique of 25 August 1910 against the French lay movement Sillon of Marc Sangnier he laid out the principles and objectives and condemned the political and social modernism.

Convinced of the pastoral aims of the Church's Magisterium, he went on the one hand as unrelenting anti-modern pope in history, on the other hand, he led thoroughgoing internal church reforms of lasting value, particularly in relation to the Eucharist, for the celebration of which he as a principle the participatio actuosa (vivid participation ) of the people put it, had the service been largely passive attended. This principle and the concept was later ( 1963) taken up by the Second Vatican Council. Became famous Pius X. inter alia, by its recommendation of daily Communion reception and by the admission of children communion. His concern was to give the religion in society and greater efficacy.

In his pontificate several clashes coincide with European states, which meant that diplomatic relations with Spain and France canceled and in 1905 the Concordat with France ( 1801 ) was repealed, the latter because the predominantly Catholic country in the world's first ( and to date had introduced valid ) separation of church and state ( laïcité ).

The Mariavites Feliksa Kozłowska and Jan Maria Michał Kowalski were excommunicated on April 5, 1906, Pope Pius X.. Feliksa Kozłowska is the first woman to be a pope excommunicated.

Not without controversy is his attitude at the outbreak of the First World War. Unlike his successor Pius X did not pursue a strictly neutral stance on starting the First World War. He estimated Emperor Franz Joseph I and wondered " Always great importance on the preservation of the best relations with Austria ." At the same time the German Reich approached it as such. Had he closed on June 24, 1914 by his Secretary of State Cardinal Rafael Merry del Val with Serbia a concordat, as reported a month later, a telegram from the Bavarian ambassador to the Holy See on 26 July 1914: "The Pope approves a crackdown Austria against Serbia " and the Austrian minister confirmed his Secretary of State on 27 July, Cardinal Secretary of State Mery del Val hope the monarchy would, literally " go to extremes ".

Pius X died on August 20, 1914 in Rome of a heart attack. His grave inscription calls him meek ​​and humble of heart. Contrary to tradition, his body was not embalmed at his own request.

Pius X was instituted by Pope Pius XII. canonized in 1951 and beatified in 1954. Since then, his body is laid out in a glass coffin in St. Peter's Basilica, the face mask through a metal mask. He is the first canonized since Pope Pius V in the 16th century.

The Esperanto speakers have chosen him as their patron.

His birthplace giant was renamed after his canonization in his honor in Riese Pio X. 1985 directed the community Riese Pio X and the province of Treviso, a foundation, Fondazione Giuseppe Sarto, who is engaged in the researching and documenting his life and work.

Causes of Saints

On May 27, 1906 Pope Pius X said the 16 Märtyrinnen Compiègne saved. Also, were beatified by him the following persons: Stephan Pongrácz (1905 ), Valentin Faustino Berrio - Ochoa (1906 ), Clarus of Vienne (1907 ), Zdislava Berka (1907 ), John Bosco (1907 ), Jan van Ruysbroek (1908 ), Maria Magdalena Postel (1908 ), Andreas Nam Thung (1909 ), Agatha Lin ( 1909), Agnes De ( 1909) Jeanne d' Arc (1909 ) and St. John Eudes (1909). Were canonised by Alexander Sauli (1904 ), Gerard Majella (1904 ), Clemens Maria Hofbauer (1909 ) and Joseph Oriol (1909).


Even during his lifetime to have worked Pius X miracles. So shall the Belgian consul Karl Lubois whose body was covered with boils, have been cured spontaneously by the intercessory prayers of the Pope. After his death happened in the opinion of the faithful numerous miracles that have been documented in the beatification and canonization records.


  • Apostolic circulars simultaneously his inaugural encyclical E supremi Apostolatus October 4, 1903 "Everything in Christ renew "
  • Motu Proprio Tra le sollecitudini, November 22, 1903 on the church music
  • Encyclical Ad diem illum laetissimum, February 2, 1904 for the 50th anniversary year of the promulgation of dogmas about the " Immaculate Conception " of Mary
  • Apostolic circulars Iucunda sane, March 12, 1904 to the 1300 anniversary of the Ganges home of Pope Gregory I, the Great.
  • Encyclical Vehementer nos, February 11, 1906 against the separation of church and state in France
  • Catechism " compendium of Christian doctrine ", 1906
  • Apostolic circulars Pascendi Dominici Gregis, September 8, 1907, on the doctrines of the modernists
  • Motu Proprio Praestantia Scripturae, November 18, 1907, about the excommunication of the modernists
  • Apostolic circulars Editae Saepe Dei 26 May 1910 to the tercentenary of the canonization of St. Charles Borromeo

Others, Trivia

The progressive, but the Pope devoted Radini Giacomo Tedeschi (* 1857) was in 1905 until his death in 1914 Bishop of Bergamo. He was one of the employees friendly pastors who were not numerous in Italy.. Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli His secretary, who later became Pope John XXIII, later reported:

When the bishop donated money strikers, he was denigrated in the Curia. Pius X wrote to the bishop only - rather than to rebuke him: "We may take the measures that you have considered prudent not disapprove because you have been fully acquainted with the local conditions, the persons in question and the circumstances. " Generally avoided Pius X - unlike other church monarch - it to interfere with the official duties of the bishops.

Roncalli venerated Pius X and strove his life for long.

The Memorial Day Holy Pius X on August 21, is one of five special holidays of the Equestrian Order of the Holy grave in Jerusalem.

In the named after Pope Pius X Catholic Parish " St. Pius " in Bad Neuenahr- Ahrweiler a collection of 117 objects is preserved that belonged Pius once. These include private letters, chest crosses, he wore his razor, a piece of the sheet on which the corpse was laid by Pope Pius X, pieces of wood from the bed frame of Pius, handkerchiefs with embroidered crest, large wooden candlestick made of private prayer niche of the Pope and a lock of hair.
