
Reisjärvi [ rɛi̯sjærvi ] is a municipality in western Finland. It is located in the coastal hinterland of the countryside Nordoesterbotten some 175 km south of the city of Oulu.

In addition to the Kirchdorf Reisjärvi it includes the towns of Hylkiranta, Järvikylä, Kalaja, Kangaskylä, Kinnulanranta, Kiljanranta, Köyhänperä, Leppälahti, Levonperä, Lokkiperä, Metsäperä, Mäntyperä and Räisälänmäki. The local politics is dominated by the conservative Center Party, which is in the composition of August 15, 2004 in the council of 21 members.

The post-glacial landscape of the town is quite varied and characterized by numerous lakes, rivers, rocks and boulders.
