Resende (Rio de Janeiro)

Resende on the map of Brazil

Resende is a city in the state of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. It has 119 729 inhabitants (2006) to 1113.5 km ².

Resende was originally settled under the name Timburibá of the Puri Indians. The first Europeans arrived about 1715 a. The current district municipality is divided into several districts, which are called adjacent to the city Resende, Agulhas Negras, Bulhões, Visconde de Maua, Pedra Selada, Fumaça and Engenheiro Passos. Resende is partly due to the foothills of the Serra da Mantiqueira.


Resende was originally the territory of the Puri Indians who called it Timburibá. 1715 the land was transferred to the Bandeirante ( a privately funded Expeditionär ) Garcia Rodrigues Paes Leme, the one of the first non-native settlers was.

1744 was the Bandeirante Simão da Cunha Gago from São Paulo for permission to undertake an expedition to the area. He named it on his arrival Nossa Senhora da Conceição do Campo Alegre da Paraíba Nova.

The area now developed quite quickly, which was also due to its central location between São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro and close to the border of the State of Minas Gerais. Soon, indigo and sugar production as well as various plantations emerged. Around 1770, coffee production was recorded which developed the foundation of the local economy soon.

On September 29, 1801 Resende was the 2 º Conde de Resende, General José Luís de Castro left by the 13 ° Viceroy city rights. The city quickly grew as a coffee center and 1848 Resende was given the status of the municipios. From 1850 it came to the coffee crisis, which led to a change in production at the plantations. Since the beginning of the 20th century, more and more industry moved in this area and the coffee cultivation became less important.

1943 located at the Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras ( AMAN ), which forms the basis for the Brazilian Army. The importance of the city increased over the 20th century by further industrial development.


In Resende, the Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras ( AMAN ), the " Military Academy of the Black lace ", named after a biz to 2987 m high mountain range in the nearby Itatiaia National Park.

The principal assets of Resende are coffee and milk in the agricultural sector, as well as uranium mining and enrichment. The local production of Volkswagen commercial vehicles was taken over by the MAN Group in 2009.


Resende has a tropical mountain climate. The average annual temperature is about 19 ​​° C, and varies between 33 ° C in January and 5 ° C in July. Most rainfall is from November to March.


  • Pico das Agulhas Negras
  • Serra da Mantiqueira
  • Rio Paraíba do Sul
  • The historical site Penedo
  • Parque Nacional do Itatiaia Itatiaia National Park
  • The resort Visconde de Maua